
An extended version of the ArrayObject object for working with system settings or just for working with data arrays






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An extended version of the ArrayObject object for working with system settings or just for working with data arrays.

It provides a short syntax for daily routine, eliminates common mistakes. Allows you to work with various line and file formats - JSON, Yml, Ini, PHP arrays and simple objects.


composer require jbzoo/data


Comparison with pure PHP

Know your data

$json = json('{ "some": "thing", "number": 42 }');
// [
//     "some" => "string",
//     "number" => "int"
// ]


use function JBZoo\Data\data;
use function JBZoo\Data\ini;
use function JBZoo\Data\json;
use function JBZoo\Data\phpArray;
use function JBZoo\Data\yml;

$config = data([/* Assoc Array */]);       // Any PHP-array or simple object, serialized data
$config = ini('./configs/some.ini');       // Load configs from ini file (or string, or simple array)
$config = yml('./configs/some.yml');       // Yml (or string, or simple array). Parsed with Symfony/Yaml Component.
$config = json('./configs/some.json');     // JSON File (or string, or simple array)
$config = phpArray('./configs/some.php');  // PHP-file that must return array

// Read
$config->get('key', 42);                   // Returns value if it exists oR returns default value
$config['key'];                            // As regular array
$config->key;                              // As regular object

// Read nested values without PHP errors
$config->find('deep.config.key', 42);      // Gets `$config['very']['deep']['config']['key']` OR returns default value

// Write
$config->set('key', 42);
$config['key'] = 42;
$config->key = 42;

// Isset

// Unset

Filter values (required JBZoo/Utils)

List of filters - JBZoo/Utils/Filter

  • bool - Converts many english words that equate to true or false to boolean.
  • int - Smart converting to integer
  • float - Smart converting to float
  • digits - Leaves only "0-9"
  • alpha - Leaves only "a-zA-Z"
  • alphanum - Combination of digits and alpha
  • base64 - Returns only chars which are compatible with base64
  • path - Clean FS path
  • trim - Extend trim
  • arr - Converting to array
  • cmd - Cleanup system command (CLI)
  • email - Returns cleaned up email or null
  • strip - Strip tags
  • alias - Sluggify
  • low - String to lower (uses mbstring or symfony polyfill)
  • up - String to upper (uses mbstring or symfony polyfill)
  • clean - Returns safe string
  • html - HTML escaping
  • xml - XML escaping
  • esc - Escape chars for UTF-8
  • function($value) { return $value; } - Your custom callback function
$config->get('key', 42, 'int');         // Smart converting to integer
$config->find('key', 42, 'float');      // To float
$config->find('no', 'yes', 'bool');     // Smart converting popular word to boolean value
$config->get('key', 42, 'strip, trim'); // Chain of filters

// Your custom handler
$config->get('key', 42, function($value) {
    return (float)str_replace(',', '.', $value);

Utility methods

$config->search($needle);       // Find a value also in nested arrays/objects
$config->flattenRecursive();    // Return flattened array copy. Keys are <b>NOT</b> preserved.

Export to pretty-print format

echo $config;

$result = '' . $config;
$result = (string)$config;
$result = $config->__toString();

Example of serializing the JSON object

    "empty": "",
    "zero": "0",
    "string": " ",
    "tag": "<a href=\"http:\/\/google.com\">Google.com<\/a>",
    "array1": {
        "0": "1",
        "1": "2"
    "section": {
        "array2": {
            "0": "1",
            "12": "2",
            "3": "3"
    "section.nested": {
        "array3": {
            "00": "0",
            "01": "1"

Example of serializing the PHPArray object


return array(
    'empty' => '',
    'zero' => '0',
    'string' => ' ',
    'tag' => '<a href="http://google.com">Google.com</a>',
    'array1' => array(
        0 => '1',
        1 => '2',
    'section' => array(
        'array2' => array(
            0 => '1',
            12 => '2',
            3 => '3',
    'section.nested' => array(
        'array3' => array(
            '00' => '0',
            '01' => '1',

Example of serializing the Yml object

empty: ''
zero: '0'
string: ' '
tag: '<a href="http://google.com">Google.com</a>'
    - '1'
    - '2'
    array2: { 0: '1', 12: '2', 3: '3' }
    array3: ['0', '1']

Example of serializing the Ini object

empty = ""
zero = "0"
string = " "
tag = "<a href=\"http://google.com\">Google.com</a>"
array1[0] = "1"
array1[1] = "2"

array2[0] = "1"
array2[12] = "2"
array2[3] = "3"

array3[00] = "0"
array3[01] = "1"

Example of serializing the Data object

a:7:{s:5:"empty";s:0:"";s:4:"zero";s:1:"0";s:6:"string";s:1:" ";s:3:"tag";s:42:"<a href="http://google.com">Google.com</a>";s:6:"array1";a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"2";}s:7:"section";a:1:{s:6:"array2";a:3:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:12;s:1:"2";i:3;s:1:"3";}}s:14:"section.nested";a:1:{s:6:"array3";a:2:{s:2:"00";s:1:"0";s:2:"01";s:1:"1";}}}

Summary benchmark info (execution time) PHP v7.4

All benchmark tests are executing without xdebug and with a huge random array and 100.000 iterations.

Benchmark tests based on the tool phpbench/phpbench. See details here.

Please, pay attention - 1μs = 1/1.000.000 of second!

benchmark: CreateObject

benchmark: GetUndefinedValue

benchmark: GetValue

benchmark: GetValueInner

Unit tests and check code style

make update
make test-all



See Also

  • CI-Report-Converter - Converting different error reports for deep compatibility with popular CI systems.
  • Composer-Diff - See what packages have changed after composer update.
  • Composer-Graph - Dependency graph visualization of composer.json based on mermaid-js.
  • Mermaid-PHP - Generate diagrams and flowcharts with the help of the mermaid script language.
  • Utils - Collection of useful PHP functions, mini-classes, and snippets for every day.
  • Image - Package provides object-oriented way to manipulate with images as simple as possible.
  • Retry - Tiny PHP library providing retry/backoff functionality with multiple backoff strategies and jitter support.
  • SimpleTypes - Converting any values and measures - money, weight, exchange rates, length, ...