
Function parser for PHP functions, methods, and closures

1.0.0 2015-02-02 17:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 10:21:06 UTC


The PHP Function Parser library by Jeremy Lindblom.

Build Status


The PHP FunctionParser provides the ability to parse and retrieve the code defining an existing function as a string. This can be used in clever ways to generate documentation or example code or even to serialize a closure.

The class also allows you to get information about the function like the parameter names and the names and values of variables in the use statement of a closure.

General Use

The FunctionParser relies on the Reflection API and also on the PHP tokenizer (token_get_all()), so PHP must be compiled with the --enable-tokenizer flag in order for the tokenizer to be available.

Here is a small example of how it works:

use FunctionParser\FunctionParser;

$foo = 2;
$closure = function($bar) use($foo) {
    return $foo + $bar;

$parser = new FunctionParser(new \ReflectionFunction($closure));
$code   = $parser->getCode();

You can also use the fromCallable factory method as a convenient way to generate the reflected function automatically from any PHP callable:

$parser = FunctionParser::fromCallable(function($foo) {echo $foo . 'bar';});
$parser = FunctionParser::fromCallable('Foo::bar');
$parser = FunctionParser::fromCallable(array('Foo', 'bar'));


The FunctionParser relies on the Reflection API and also on the PHP tokenizer (token_get_all()), so PHP must be compiled with the --enable-tokenizer flag in order for the tokenizer to be available.


  • PHP 5.3.2+
  • PHPUnit for tests
  • Composer for consuming FunctionParser as a dependency

To install FunctionParser as a dependency of your project using Composer, please add the following to your composer.json config file.

    "require": {
        "jeremeamia/FunctionParser": "*"

Then run php composer.phar install --install-suggests from your project's root directory to install the FunctionParser.


There is a buid.xml file that you can use to generate test coverage reports, documenation, and code analytics. The current file is designed to be used with ant, but I will be migrating this to phing sometime soon. More on this later.

The test suite and code coveage report are currently setup to run in Travis CI. [See FunctionParser on Travis CI] travis-ci
