
A Laravel package that automatically generates slugs for model attributes, simplifying the creation of URL-friendly slugs.

1.2.0 2024-10-30 14:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 16:18:28 UTC



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The jetcod\laravel-slugify package simplifies the generation and management of slugs for Eloquent models in Laravel applications. This package utilizes the HasSlug trait to automatically create and update slugs based on your model's attributes, with flexible configuration options.



  • PHP ^7.4 | ^8.0
  • Laravel 8.0+

Step 1: Install via Composer

To install the package, run the following command:

composer require jetcod/laravel-slugify

Step 2: Configure your model

In any model where you want to use the slugging functionality, use the HasSlug trait and implement getSlugConfig() method to configure the slug options.


Setting Up the Sluggable Model

To start using slugs in your model, follow these steps:

  • Use the Trait: In your model, use the HasSlug trait.
  • Define Slug Configuration: Implement the getSlugConfig() method in your model. This method should return a SlugOptions object where you define your sluggable configuration.
  • Set the $sluggables property: Define an array of model attributes that should be used to generate the slug.

Here’s an example:

use Jetcod\LaravelSlugify\SlugOptions;
use Jetcod\LaravelSlugify\Traits\HasSlug;

class YourModel extends Model
    use HasSlug;

    protected $casts = [
        'slugs' => 'array', // Optional: Cast the 'slugs' attribute to an array

    protected $sluggables = ['a_column_name'];  // Specify columns to be sluggified

    protected function getSlugConfig(): SlugOptions
        return SlugOptions::create()
            ->slugColumn('slugs')   // Define the column name where the slugs will be stored

Available Configuration Options

  • doNotGenerateSlugsOnCreate(): Call this method if you want to avoid generating slugs on model creation.
  • doNotGenerateSlugsOnUpdate(): Call this method if you want to avoid generating slugs when the model is updated.
  • slugColumn(string): Define the column name where the slugs will be stored. The defined column type should be json.
  • slugSeparator(string): Character separator between words in the slug. (Default value is '-')
  • maximumLength(int): Maximum character length of the slug.
  • avoidDuplicates(): Call this method to generate unique slugs.

Note: Calling slugColumn() is required while defining the slug options.

Example: Creating and Updating a Model with Slug Generation

When you create or update a model with HasSlug configured, the slug is automatically generated and saved according to the options you've specified.

$post = new Post();
$post->title = "This is an Example Title";

// $post->slugs will be like {"title":"this-is-an-example-title"} (based on the configured options)

Example: Generating Unique Slugs

To ensure unique slugs, you can use the avoidDuplicates() method in your SlugOptions:

use Jetcod\LaravelSlugify\SlugOptions;
use Jetcod\LaravelSlugify\Traits\HasSlug;

class YourModel extends Model
    use HasSlug;

    protected $sluggables = ['title'];

    protected function getSlugConfig(): SlugOptions
        return SlugOptions::create()

Then when you create or update a model, the slug will be generated and saved as a unique value.

$post = new Post();
$post->title = "This is an Example Title";

// Result: $post->slugs will be like {"title":"this-is-an-example-title"} 

// Create another post with the same title
$post = new Post();
$post->title = "This is an Example Title";

// Result: $post->slugs will be like {"title":"this-is-an-example-title-1"}

Note: It also considers the maximum length of the slug while generating unique slug strings.


Run your tests to verify that slugs are generated as expected:

composer test

Run code coverage analysis to generate a coverage report. This will generate a coverage report in the coverage directory.

composer coverage

Run PHPStan to check for potential issues in the code:

composer phpstan


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT License.