
Symfony GMap bundle

Installs: 51 933

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 19

Watchers: 4

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 4


dev-master 2012-04-23 08:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 03:01:51 UTC


In progress : This bundle is under active developement, new features will be regularly appended.

It works : This bundle is under Test Driven Developement control, so every features mentioned below will really work.

Current implementation : Just include (for now) the following services :

  • 2 webservices :
    • The geocoder webservice
    • The elevation webservice
  • 1 tool service :
    • The polyline encoder

Current branch : Full refactoring with a better approach.

The basics

In order to use this bundle you have to install it, and then optionally test it (dont forget to post issues on github!).

Intall the bundle

  1. Add the sources to your bundles directory - from the root directory of your project, paste the following command :

    git submodule add git@github.com:alephnullplex/GMapBundle.git vendor/bundles/GMapBundle
  2. Register the bundle in your with the auto loader and AppKernel:

    // app/autoload.php in registerNamespaces()
    'GMapBundle'       => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
    // app/AppKernel.php in registerBundles()
    new GMapBundle\GMapBundle(),
  3. Register the bundle config in your app config file - for example, add the following minimalist code in your app/config/config.yml file :

      config: ~

You're done !

Run the tests

  1. Register the routing. Add the following code in your app/config/routing_dev.yml file - this will register the routes in your dev region only :

        resource: "@GMapBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  2. Run the tests with phpunit, the following tests are available :

    phpunit --c app/ vendor/bundles/GMapBundle/Tests/ServiceTests.php
    phpunit --c app/ vendor/bundles/GMapBundle/Tests/PolylineEncoderTests.php
    phpunit --c app/ vendor/bundles/GMapBundle/Tests/GeocoderTests.php
    phpunit --c app/ vendor/bundles/GMapBundle/Tests/ElevationTests.php

How to use

This bundle offers a new service accessible from your controller. To access the service, simply use the following code :

$gmap = $this->get('gmap');

These services are subject to a query limit of 2,500 geolocation requests per day (for each service, I suppose).

The webservices


Each webservice takes these 4 common parameters (cant be overrided by request) :

url : ~ // the webservice URL
format : 'json' // the internal response format, for now only 'json' is implemented
formatter : ~ // the result formatter class for one result
collection : ~ // the collection result fomatter class

Each webservice also comes with his own set of parameters wich can be setted :

  • in the config (the defaults values) ;
  • for each request (as an associative array).

The response

  • If a request is denied, malformed or over the limit (2500 requests per day), it raises an appropriate exception
  • If a request returns no result it raises a ZeroResultsException
  • If a request returns one result, you get a Formatter object
  • If a request returns more tha one result, you get a Collection object
  • Collection objects are Iterable and, for convenience, Formatter objects are Iterable too.
  • Iterate over a Collection object give you Formatter objects.
  • Each webservice returns his own Formatter and Collection objects with appropriate methods.

The geocoder webservice

This service is used to get latitude / longitude point from an address and vice-versa. It can also be used to normalize and parse addresses. For more informations, look at the Google webservice documentation.

###Get the formatter

Simple to use, here are the examples :

// get the geocode object from an address (wich is really dirty)
$home = $gmap->geocode('12 rU hipOLYte lBAs 75009 fR');

// get the geocode object from a latitude / longitude array
$home = $gmap->geocode(array(48.8772535, 2.3397612));

// get the geocode object from a latitude / longitude string
$home = $gmap->geocode('48.8772535, 2.3397612');

As second parameter, you can provide an associative array of options :

  • bounds : The bounding box of the viewport within which to bias geocode results more prominently.
  • region : The region code, specified as a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value.
  • language : The language in which to return results.
  • sensor (default to false) : Indicates whether or not the geocoding request comes from a device with a location sensor.

More explanations of these options in Google's documentation.

Many requests get you a collection, you can filter the address by type :

// get the 'street_address' type (the more precise)
// just one address of this type, you get a `Formatter` object
$home = $home->filter('street_address');

The geocode method returns a Geocode object wich comes with several methods to get the data you want.

###See what you can do with geocoder

Get the position of an address

$home = $this->get('gmap')->geocode('12 Rue Hippolyte Lebas 75009 France')->filter('street_address');

// get the latitude
$lat = $home->getLat(); // 48.8772535

// get the longitude
$lng = $home->getLng(); // 2.3397612

// get both as string
$str = $home->getLatLng(); // '48.8772535, 2.3397612'

// get both as an array
$arr = $home->getLatLng(true); // array(48.8772535, 2.3397612)

Get an address from a position

$home = $this->get('gmap')->geocode('48.8772535, 2.3397612')->filter('street_address');

// get the *normalized* address as string
$str = $home->getAddress(); // 12 Rue Hippolyte Lebas, 75009 Paris, France

Normalize an address

// a dirty address is inputed by a user
$home = $this->get('gmap')->geocode('12 rU hipOLYte lBAs 75009 fR')->filter('street_address');

// get the *normalized* address
$str = $home->getAddress(); // 12 Rue Hippolyte Lebas, 75009 Paris, France

Address components

$home = $this->get('gmap')->geocode('12 Rue Hippolyte Lebas 75009 France')->filter('street_address');

// get the number
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('street_number'); // '12'

// get the city
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('locality'); // 'Paris'

// get the region (for France)
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('administrative_area_level_1'); // 'Ile-de-France'

// get the zip code
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('postal_code'); // '75009'

// get a sublocality
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('sublocality'); // '9ème Arrondissement Paris'

And so on ... full list of components available in Google's documentation. If a component has several values, it returns an array.

In addition, getAddressComponent method take a 2nd boolean argument, wich setted to true get you the short name. For example :

// get the country short name
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('country', true); // 'FR'

// get the region (for France) short name
$str = $home->getAddressComponent('administrative_area_level_1', true); // 'IDF'

###Setting up your config :

3 more options come with this webservice, an example in YAML format :

        // the 4 common parameters
        bounds : ~ # default bounds option for each requests (see above)
        region : ~ # default region option for each requests (see above)
        language : ~ # default language option for each requests (see above)
        sensor : false // whether the browser has GPS functionalities

The elevation webservice

This service is used to get the elevations from a list of pointd (lat/lng). The Formatter result object has 4 methods :

  • getLat() : returns the latitude

  • getLng() : returns the longitude

  • getLatLng() : returns an array

  • getElevation() : returns the elevation (float)

    $elevations = $this->get('gmap')->elevation($points);

There is just one parameter :

        // the 4 common parameters
        sensor : false // whether the browser has GPS functionalities

The tool service

The polyline encoder

This service is used in background by other services to compress a list of lat/lng points. It's accessible in the controller with th following method :

$encoded = $this->get('gmap')->encodePolyline($polyline);

Where $polyline is an array of points, each points is an array of 2 values : lat and lng ; and $encoded is an associative array with 2 keys : 'points' (the encoded points) and 'levels' (the encoded levels). Setting up your config :

Some options are available, here is an exemple with the YML format :

        accuracy: 5 # should not be changed !
        levels: 4 # the levels number (called numLevels in the Google's documentation)
        zoom: 3 # the zoom factor
        endpoints: true # indicate if endpoints should be forced

You can read more about in this stuff in Google's documentation.