
This repo can be used to export database objects (using Doctrine) to External data formats (Excel/Parquet/CSV)

dev-main / 1.0.x-dev 2024-09-02 12:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-02 12:54:03 UTC


This repo can be used to export database objects (using Doctrine) to External data formats (Excel/Parquet/CSV)


To enable this module in a Laminas application, ad the following to the modules section of your config/application.config.php file:

    return [


Each entity which has to be exported has to be registered in the configuration file. The following snippet shows how this can be done. It is also possible to include this array in the configuration files



namespace General;

use General\Export\Country\CountryColumns;

return [
    'jield_export' => [
        'entities' => [
            'country' => CountryColumns::class

Columns file

Each object has to be transformed in to a set of columns. This is done by creating a class which extends the AbstractEntityColums. An example is shown below:



namespace General\Export\Country;

use General\Entity\Country;use Jield\Export\Columns\AbstractEntityColumns;use Jield\Export\ValueObject\Column;

final class CountryColumns extends AbstractEntityColumns
    protected string $name = 'dimcountry';

     * @return array<Column>
    public function getColumns(): array
        $qb        = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        $countries = $qb->select('general_entity_country')
            ->from(from: Country::class, alias: 'general_entity_country')

        $idColumn       = new Column(columnName: 'Id', type: Column::TYPE_INTEGER, isNullable: false);
        $cdColumn       = new Column(columnName: 'Cd');
        $countryColumn  = new Column(columnName: 'Country');
        $iso3Column     = new Column(columnName: 'Iso3');

        /** @var Country $country */
        foreach ($countries as $country) {

        return [
    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [
            'organisationtype' => TypeColumns::class,

When the getDependencies method is implemented, the dependencies will be exported ass well. This is useful when you have a dimension table which is used in a fact table.

The component will automatically instantiate the extended class with the EntityManager, if more dependencies are needed register the class in the service manager

Upload to Azure.

Create an Azure storage account and create a container. The container name is used in the configuration file. Register a service in the service manager with StorageLocationServiceInterface::class as key, this service should implement \Jield\Export\Service\StorageLocationServiceInterface and required 2 methods

  • getDefaultStorageLocation which returns an object implementing \Jield\Entity\StorageLocationInterface, this object should a connection string which supports an account key or SAS token (recommended). The system also support access tokens but then getOAuth2Service() should return a service which is able to generate an access_token

  • getBlobService a function returns a \AzureOSS\Storage\Blob\BlobRestProxy object, the following sample code can be used

    public function getBlobService(): \AzureOSS\Storage\Blob\BlobRestProxy
        if (null !== $this->blobClient) {
            return $this->blobClient;
        $storageLocation = $this->getDefaultStorageLocation();
        if ($storageLocation->hasOAuth2Service()) {
            $accessToken = $this->oAuth2Service->fetchAccessTokenFromService($storageLocation->getOAuth2Service());
            $this->blobClient = BlobRestProxy::createBlobServiceWithTokenCredential(
                token: $accessToken,
                connectionString: $storageLocation->getConnectionString()
        } else {
            $this->blobClient = BlobRestProxy::createBlobService(
                connectionString: $storageLocation->getConnectionString()
        return $this->blobClient;