
Kafka Schema Registry API Client

v2.1.0 2024-09-24 13:07 UTC



Kafka Schema Registry API Client


An API Client written in PHP to communicate with Kafka Schema Registry.


composer require jobcloud/php-kafka-schema-registry-client


  • php: ^8.0

Supported API calls

Currently it supports:

  • Get list of subjects
  • Get list of schema versions for a subject
  • Delete Subject
  • Delete Schema version
  • Get Subject's Schema by version
  • Get Schema by ID
  • Register new Schema Version for a subject
  • Check Schema compatibility for schema version that exist for subject
  • Get Default Compatibility level
  • Set Default Compatibility level
  • Get Compatibility level of subject
  • Set Compatibility level for subject
  • Get Version by providing schema for a subject
  • Get Subject's latest schema version
  • Setting the registry mode

Code example


use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use Jobcloud\Kafka\SchemaRegistryClient\ErrorHandler;
use Jobcloud\Kafka\SchemaRegistryClient\HttpClient;
use Jobcloud\Kafka\SchemaRegistryClient\KafkaSchemaRegistryApiClient;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$psr17Factory = new Psr17Factory();
$client = new Curl($psr17Factory);
$username = 'USERNAME';
$password = 'PASSWORD';

$registryClient = new HttpClient(
    new ErrorHandler(),
    $username ?? null,
    $password ?? null

$schema = '{"type":"record","name":"something","namespace":"","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"string"}]}';
$registryClientApi = new KafkaSchemaRegistryApiClient($registryClient);
$subjectName = '';

$results = $registryClientApi->getVersionForSchema($subjectName, $schema);

If you are using Pimple Container in you App, you can use Service Provider:

use Jobcloud\Kafka\SchemaRegistryClient\ServiceProvider\KafkaSchemaRegistryApiClientProvider;
use Pimple\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container['kafka.schema.registry'] = [
    'base.url' => 'http://your-registry-schema-server-url:9081',
    'username' => 'your_username',
    'password' => 'your_password',

$container->register(new KafkaSchemaRegistryApiClientProvider());

$api = $container['kafka.schema.registry.client.api']);

$data = $api->getSubjects();


This is an open source project that welcomes pull requests and issues from anyone.
This is the API reference to follow for any new functionality: