
Automate your Mac with PHP

0.1.0 2023-04-24 14:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 01:54:36 UTC


A simple wrapper around JXA scripts to allow you to control your Mac using PHP.

👋 This is a work in progress. I'm still finalizing the API and adding features, things may change.

That being said, it's pretty fun to play with. So please do so.


composer require joetannenbaum/php-mac-automator


use Automator\Automator;

$automator = new Automator();

// Open Warp terminal and list the files in the current directory

// or

Opening Apps



$automator->type('Hello World');
$automator->typeAndEnter('Hello World');

// With modifier keys (e.g. zoom in)

// With multiple modifier keys (e.g. re-open last tab)
$automator->type('t', [Modifier::COMMAND, Modifier::SHIFT]);

// Helpers

// Add modifer(s) to helper
$automator->enter([Modifier::COMMAND, Modifier::SHIFT]);

// Set the typing speed
// 0.1 seconds between each character (default is 0.05)


// Open an app

// Pause (seconds)

// Repeat a block of code (e.g. zoom in five times)
    fn (Automator $remote) => $remote->typeWithCommand('+')->pause(.05),


  • This script is actually sending keystrokes to your applications, but it's running at computer speed. Remember to insert reasonable pause statements in your scripts to allow your computer to catch up.
  • If you are running a script, it will keep executing until the process itself is stopped or the script finishes. Meaning: If you tab away from the app the script is running in, if the script has more typing to do, it will continue typing. Keep that in mind.


Demo a Raycast Extension

    ->typeWithCommand(' ')
    ->type('Warp Launch')

Code Snippet Demo

Demo a Code Snippet

    ->open('Visual Studio Code')
    ->type('n', [Modifier::SHIFT, Modifier::COMMAND]) // Open a new window
    ->typeWithCommand('n') // Open a new file
    ->repeat(2, fn (Automator $remote) => $remote->enter()->pause(.25))
    ->type('echo "Hello World!";')

Code Snippet Demo


Right now you can basically automate anything you can do with your keyboard. I would like to add:

  • Mouse control
  • Window control
  • File system control
  • Browser control