
Generic extensible data resolver

2.0.2 2025-01-10 15:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 16:08:50 UTC


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Author: Joost Nijhuis <>

The data resolver is a resolver which will be declarative created and used to extract data in steps from a tree structure.
The data resolver will perform all extract operations linear and in order.
The next operation will be performed on the last resu lt etc...
Some operations are to extract data from an object and others for extracting data of a sequence.
This library has factory class to get a resolver builder and start building a resolver.
Also custom comparator, merge, property and sequence handlers can be registered.

The extract operations are:

  • get the next value with get using a single property
  • get the next value with get using multiple properties (The data resolver tries to merge the result)
  • get the next value with a find, filter or flatten using a predicate.
  • get the next value (boolean) with all, some, none for sequences and hasProperty for objects
  • get the next value (integer) with count for sequences and or strlen for strings
  • get the next value (float) with sum for sequences of integers/floats
  • get the next value (mixed) with callback for mixed data

The predicates are:

  • equals($referenceValue)
  • notEquals($referenceValue)
  • greaterThan($referenceValue)
  • greaterThanOrEquals($referenceValue)
  • lessThan($referenceValue)
  • lessThanOrEquals($referenceValue)
  • isTrue()
  • isFalse()
  • isTruly()
  • isFalsely()
  • isNull()
  • isNotNull()
  • callback(callable $callback)
  • not(PredicateBuilderInterface $predicateBuilder)
  • some(PredicateBuilderInterface $predicateBuilder)
  • all(PredicateBuilderInterface $predicateBuilder)
  • none(PredicateBuilderInterface $predicateBuilder)
  • in(array $expectedValues)
  • notIn(array $expectedValues)
  • isEmpty()
  • isNotEmpty()
  • hasCount(int $expectedCount)
  • hasNotCount(int $expectedCount)
  • stringStartsWith(string $prefix, bool $caseSensitive = true)
  • stringEndsWith(string $suffix, bool $caseSensitive = true)
  • stringEndsWith(string $suffix, bool $caseSensitive = true)
  • stringContains(string $subString, bool $caseSensitive = true)
  • stringMatchesRegex(string $pattern)
  • hasProperty(string $propertyName)

The flow:

  • Create 1 generic factory instance and add optionally customizations.
  • Get 1 resolver builder factory with getResolverBuilderFactory
    (The generic factory will be frozen and can not be customized anymore, this way the generic factory will always produced a resolver builder factory provided with the same setup)
  • Get for every to build resolver a fresh resolver builder from the resolver builder factory with create, compose, get, filter, flatten, find, all, none, some, count or strlen
  • The resolver builder must be build to get a resolver. This resolver is immutable and can only be used to resolver data from a tree structure.
  • Use the resolver with the resolve method and give it some data

To create a predicate builder call or, and, not or where on the resolver builder.

Setup generic factory instance:

  • Invoke registerPropertyHandler to register a custom property handler
  • Invoke registerSequenceHandler to register a custom sequence handler
  • Invoke useDefaultPropertyHandlers when you have custom property handlers and register them with registerPropertyHandler.
    This is not needed when you do not have custom property handlers registered.
    You can invoke this method before or after the registration of the custom property handlers in order to determine the priority of the handlers
    When this method is NOT invoked and there are custom property handlers registered the default property handlers are NOT registered
  • Invoke useDefaultSequenceHandlers when you have custom sequence handlers and register them with registerSequenceHandler.
    This is not needed when you do not have custom sequence handlers registered.
    You can invoke this method before or after the registration of the sequence property handlers in order to determine the priority of the handlers
    When this method is NOT invoked and there are custom sequence handlers registered the default sequence handlers are NOT registered
  • Invoke setMergeHandler to inject a custom merge handler (replaces the default)
  • Invoke setNamingStrategy to inject a custom naming strategy (replaces the default)
  • Invoke setComparator to inject a custom comparator (replaces the default)

Get resolver builder factory from generic factory:

  • Invoke getResolverBuilderFactory to get the resolver builder factory which can be used to create multiple resolver builders

Create customizations:

  • A property handler is a class which implement interface: \Jojo1981\DataResolver\Handler\PropertyHandlerInterface
  • A sequence handler is a class which implement interface: \Jojo1981\DataResolver\Handler\SequenceHandlerInterface
  • A merge handler is a class which implement interface: \Jojo1981\DataResolver\Handler\MergeHandlerInterface
  • A naming strategy is a class which implement interface: \Jojo1981\DataResolver\NamingStrategy\NamingStrategyInterface
  • A comparator is a class which implement interface: \Jojo1981\DataResolver\Comparator\ComparatorInterface



git clone


Install PHP Composer

composer require jojo1981/data-resolver

Basic usage

A simple example how to use the resolver.
More complex examples will be added here to the documentation in the future.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$testData = [
  'data' => [
    ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 40, 'gender' => 'M'],
    ['name' => 'Jane', 'age' => 35, 'gender' => 'F'],
    ['name' => 'Rachel', 'age' => 15, 'gender' => 'F'],
    ['name' => 'Dennis', 'age' => 12, 'gender' => 'M'],
    ['name' => 'Bob', 'age' => 6, 'gender' => 'M']

$genericFactory = new \Jojo1981\DataResolver\Factory();
$resolverBuilderFactory = $genericFactory->getResolverBuilderFactory();

$dataResolverBuilder = $resolverBuilderFactory->get('data');
$agePredicateBuilder1 = $resolverBuilderFactory->where('age')->greaterThanOrEquals(35);
$agePredicateBuilder2 = $resolverBuilderFactory->where('age')->greaterThanOrEquals(45);

// will be all persons

// Will be 5

// filtered data contains John and Jane

// empty array

// Will be true

// Will be false

// Will be false

// Will be 3

// more examples to come...