
1.0.0 2019-10-18 09:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 15:43:16 UTC


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Author: Joost Nijhuis <>

A PHP Implementation for building an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from a JSON string.
The AST is visitable and can be visited by implementing a visitor (Behavioral Design Pattern Visitor).

Purposes of this library are:

  • Validate JSON syntax and give the end user a precise error message about syntax errors
  • Transform an AST to a JSON string and control the format
  • Travers AST by implementing your own visitor

More information about the lightweight data-interchange format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) can be found here.



git clone


Install PHP Composer

composer require jojo1981/json-ast-builder



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Jojo1981\JsonAstBuilder\Generator;
use Jojo1981\JsonAstBuilder\Lexer\Lexer;
use Jojo1981\JsonAstBuilder\Parser;

// setup lexer and parser
$parser = new Parser(new Lexer());

// build AST
$ast = $parser->parse();

// You can use the generator to generate multiple things
$generator = new Generator();

// default generate json string options
$generateJsonStringOptions = [
    'useTabs' => false,
    'pretty' => true,
    'indentSize' => 2,
    'spacesBeforeColon' => 0,
    'spacesAfterColon' => 1,
    'lineSeparator' => PHP_EOL

// options can be omitted
$jsonString = $generator->generateJsonString($ast, $generateJsonStringOptions);

// default generate json string options
$generateDataOptions = [
    'assoc' => false

// options can be omitted
$data = $generator->generateData($ast, $generateDataOptions);

$plantUmlString = $generator->generatePlantUmlData($ast);
\file_put_contents('test-output.puml', $plantUmlString);

$statistics = $generator->getStatistics($ast);