
Opinionated Elastica based framework to bootstrap PHP and Elasticsearch implementations.

Installs: 1 190 819

Dependents: 3

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Security: 0

Stars: 248

Watchers: 19

Forks: 37

Open Issues: 21

v1.9.2 2024-08-12 09:56 UTC


Opinionated Elastica based framework to bootstrap PHP and Elasticsearch / OpenSearch implementations.

Main features:

  • DTO are first class citizen, you send PHP object as documents, and get objects back on search results, like an ODM;
  • All indexes are versioned and aliased automatically;
  • Mappings are done via YAML files, PHP or custom via MappingProviderInterface;
  • Analysis is separated from mappings to ease reuse;
  • 100% compatibility with ruflin/elastica;
  • Mapping migration capabilities with ReIndex;
  • Symfony HttpClient compatible transport (optional);
  • Symfony support (optional):
    • See dedicated chapter;
    • Tested with Symfony 5.4 to 7;
    • Symfony Messenger Handler support (with or without spool);


Require PHP 8.0+ and Elasticsearch 7+.

Works with Elasticsearch 8+ but is not officially supported by Elastica yet. Use with caution.

Works with OpenSearch 1 and 2.

You can check the changelog and the upgrade documents.


composer require jolicode/elastically



If you are using Symfony, you can move to the Symfony chapter

Quick example of what the library do on top of Elastica:

// Your own DTO, or one generated by Jane (see below)
class Beer
    public string $foo;
    public string $bar;

use JoliCode\Elastically\Factory;
use JoliCode\Elastically\Model\Document;

// Factory object with Elastica options + new Elastically options in the same array
$factory = new Factory([
    // Where to find the mappings
    Factory::CONFIG_MAPPINGS_DIRECTORY => __DIR__.'/mappings',
    // What objects to find in each index
        'beers' => Beer::class,

// Class to perform request, same as the Elastica Client
$client = $factory->buildClient();

// Class to build Indexes
$indexBuilder = $factory->buildIndexBuilder();

// Create the Index in Elasticsearch
$index = $indexBuilder->createIndex('beers');

// Set the proper aliases
$indexBuilder->markAsLive($index, 'beers');

// Class to index DTO(s) in an Index
$indexer = $factory->buildIndexer();

$dto = new Beer();
$dto->bar = 'American Pale Ale';
$dto->foo = 'Hops from Alsace, France';

// Add a document to the queue
$indexer->scheduleIndex('beers', new Document('123', $dto));

// Set parameters on the Bulk
    'pipeline' => 'covfefe',
    'refresh' => 'wait_for'

// Force index refresh if needed

// Get the Document (new!)
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->getDocument('123');

// Get the DTO (new!)
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->getModel('123');

// Perform a search
$results = $client->getIndex('beers')->search('alsace');

// Get the Elastic Document

// Get the Elastica compatible Result

// Get the DTO 🎉 (new!)

// Create a new version of the Index "beers"
$index = $indexBuilder->createIndex('beers');

// Slow down the Refresh Interval of the new Index to speed up indexation

// Set proper aliases
$indexBuilder->markAsLive($index, 'beers');

// Clean the old indices (close the previous one and delete the older)

// Mapping change? Just call migrate and enjoy a full reindex (use the Task API internally to avoid timeout)
$newIndex = $indexBuilder->migrate($index);
$indexBuilder->markAsLive($newIndex, 'beers');


scheduleIndex is here called with "beers" index because the index was already created before. If you are creating a new index and want to index documents into it, you should pass the Index object directly.


# Anything you want, no validation
    number_of_replicas: 1
    number_of_shards: 1
    refresh_interval: 60s
    dynamic: false
            type: text
            analyzer: english
                    type: keyword


This library add custom configurations on top of Elastica's:

Factory::CONFIG_MAPPINGS_DIRECTORY (required with default configuration)

The directory Elastically is going to look for YAML.

When creating a foobar index, a foobar_mapping.yaml file is expected.

If an analyzers.yaml file is present, all the indices will get it.


An array of index name to class FQN.

  'indexName' => My\AwesomeDTO::class,


An instance of MappingProviderInterface.

If this option is not defined, the factory will fall back to YamlProvider and will use Factory::CONFIG_MAPPINGS_DIRECTORY option.

There are two providers available in Elastically: YamlProvider and PhpProvider.

Factory::CONFIG_SERIALIZER (optional)

A SerializerInterface compatible object that will be used on indexation.

Default to Symfony Serializer with Object Normalizer.

A faster alternative is to use Jane to generate plain PHP Normalizer, see below. Also, we recommend customization to handle things like Date.

Factory::CONFIG_DENORMALIZER (optional)

A DenormalizerInterface compatible object that will be used on search results to build your objects back.

If this option is not defined, the factory will fall back to Factory::CONFIG_SERIALIZER option.


An instance of ContextBuilderInterface that build a serializer context from a class name.

If it is not defined, Elastically, will use a StaticContextBuilder with the configuration from Factory::CONFIG_SERIALIZER_CONTEXT_PER_CLASS.


Allow to specify the Serializer context for normalization and denormalization.

    Beer::class => ['attributes' => ['title']],

Default to [].

Factory::CONFIG_BULK_SIZE (optional)

When running indexation of lots of documents, this setting allow you to fine-tune the number of document threshold.

Default to 100.

Factory::CONFIG_INDEX_PREFIX (optional)

Add a prefix to all indexes and aliases created via Elastically.

Default to null.

Usage in Symfony


You'll need to add the bundle in bundles.php:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    JoliCode\Elastically\Bridge\Symfony\ElasticallyBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Then configure the bundle:

# config/packages/elastically.yaml
                host:                '%env(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)%'
                # If you want to use the Symfony HttpClient (you MUST create this service)
                #transport:           'JoliCode\Elastically\Transport\HttpClientTransport'

            # Path to the mapping directory (in YAML)
            mapping_directory:       '%kernel.project_dir%/config/elasticsearch'

            # Size of the bulk sent to Elasticsearch (default to 100)
            bulk_size:               100

            # Mapping between an index name and a FQCN
                my-foobar-index:     App\Dto\Foobar

            # Configuration for the serializer
                # Fill a static context
                    foo:                 bar

            # If you want to add a prefix for your index in elasticsearch (you can still call it by its base name everywhere!)
            # prefix: '%kernel.environment%'

Finally, inject one of those service (autowirable) in you code where you need it:

JoliCode\Elastically\Client (elastically.default.client)
JoliCode\Elastically\IndexBuilder (elastically.default.index_builder)
JoliCode\Elastically\Indexer (elastically.default.indexer)

Advanced Configuration

Multiple Connections and Autowiring

If you define multiple connections, you can define a default one. This will be useful for autowiring:

    default_connection: default
        default: # ...
        another: # ...

To use class for other connection, you can use Autowirable Types. To discover them, run:

bin/console debug:autowiring elastically
Use a Custom Serializer Context Builder
    default_connection: default
                context_builder_service: App\Elastically\Serializer\ContextBuilder
                # Do not define "context_mapping" option anymore
Use a Custom Mapping provider
    default_connection: default
            mapping_provider_service: App\Elastically\MappingProvider
            # Do not define "index_class_mapping" option anymore
Using HttpClient as Transport

You can also use the Symfony HttpClient for all Elastica communications:

JoliCode\Elastically\Transport\HttpClientTransport: ~

            host: '%env(ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)%'
            transport: 'JoliCode\Elastically\Transport\HttpClientTransport'
            # ...


You can run the following command to get the default configuration reference:

bin/console config:dump elastically

Using Messenger for async indexing

Elastically ships with a default Message and Handler for Symfony Messenger.

Register the message in your configuration:

            async: "%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%"

            # async is whatever name you gave your transport above
            'JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\IndexationRequest':  async

    JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\IndexationRequestHandler: ~

The IndexationRequestHandler service depends on an implementation of JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\DocumentExchangerInterface, which isn't provided by this library. You must provide a service that implements this interface, so you can plug your database or any other source of truth.

Then from your code you have to call:

use JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\IndexationRequest;
use JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\IndexationRequestHandler;

$bus->dispatch(new IndexationRequest(Product::class, '1234567890'));

// Third argument is the operation, so for a "delete" add this argument:
// new IndexationRequest(Product::class, 'ref9999', IndexationRequestHandler::OP_DELETE);

And then consume the messages:

php bin/console messenger:consume async

Grouping IndexationRequest in a spool

Sending multiple IndexationRequest during the same Symfony Request is not always appropriate, it will trigger multiple Bulk operations. Elastically provides a Kernel listener to group all the IndexationRequest in a single MultipleIndexationRequest message.

To use this mechanism, we send the IndexationRequest in a memory transport to be consumed and grouped in a really async transport:

        async: "%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%"
        queuing: 'in-memory:///'

        'JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\MultipleIndexationRequest': async
        'JoliCode\Elastically\Messenger\IndexationRequest': queuing

You also need to register the subscriber:

            - '@messenger.transport.queuing' # should be the name of the memory transport
            - '@messenger.default_bus'
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }

Using Jane to build PHP DTO and fast Normalizers

Install JanePHP json-schema tools to build your own DTO and Normalizers. All you have to do is setting the Jane-completed Serializer on the Factory:

$factory = new Factory([
    Factory::CONFIG_SERIALIZER => $serializer,


Elastically is not compatible with Jane < 6.

To be done

  • some "todo" in the code
  • optional Doctrine connector
  • better logger - maybe via a processor? extending _log is supposed to be deprecated :(
  • extra commands to monitor, update mapping, reindex... Commonly implemented tasks
  • optional Symfony integration:
    • web debug toolbar!
  • scripts / commands for common tasks:
    • auto-reindex when the mapping change, handle the aliases and everything
    • micro monitoring for cluster / indexes
    • health-check method



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