
Prettier embeds for your YouTube and Vimeo videos and playlists in Neos CMS - with nice options like high-res preview images, lightbox feature and advanced customization of embed options.

6.3.0 2025-01-07 16:44 UTC


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For a detail guide, please visit the PrettyEmbed Wiki

Prettier embeds for your Vimeo videos and YouTube videos/playlists in Neos CMS - with helpful options like high-res preview images, lightbox feature, and advanced customization of embed options.


Version Neos Maintained
1.* 4.2.*, > 5
2.* >= 5.3
3.* >= 5.3
6.* >= 7.3

The version jump was made to have all packages from the PrettyEmbed series on the same number


Most of the time, you have to make small adjustments to a package (e.g., configuration in Settings.yaml). Because of that, it is essential to add the corresponding package to the composer from your theme package. Navigate to this package in your CLI and run the following command:

composer require jonnitto/prettyembedvideoplatforms --no-update

The --no-update command prevent the automatic update of the dependencies. After the package was added to your package composer.json, go back to the root of the Neos installation and run composer update. Et voilà! Your desired package is now installed correctly.


What are the differences from the PrettyEmbed series to Jonnitto.Plyr?

PrettyEmbed series Plyr
YouTube Video
YouTube Playlist
Native Audio
Native Video
Advanced captions for native video
Preview image
Lightbox included
Preview image (for videos)
Javascript API
Filesize (JS & CSS) smaller bigger

All packages from the PrettyEmbed series have the benefit of a better frontend performance since the player gets only loaded on request. So, no iframe/video gets loaded until the user wants to watch a video.

Merge PrettyEmbedYoutube and PrettyEmbedVimeo

If you want existing nodes from PrettyEmbedYoutube and PrettyEmbedVimeo use this package, you have to run following command in your cli: ./flow node:migrate --version 20200420033756

After this migration you have to flush your frontend cache: ./flow cache:flushone --identifier Neos_Fusion_Content


This package is member of the PrettyEmbedCollection which contains following packages:

If you install the PrettyEmbedCollection, the video players get grouped into an own group in the node-inspector; otherwise, they will be in the default group.