
Global CLI for managing sites using Consolidation Site Aliases.

1.0.2 2023-09-14 16:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 13:32:43 UTC


A global CLI to list sites and run commands on them. Very similar to global drush site:alias command.


This project is a global cli designed to run commands against multiple sites using Consolidation's Site Aliases.

This is a possible replacement for global Drush.


site:exec        [e] Run a command against a site (in the root directory.)
site:get         [get] Show contents of a single site alias.
site:list        [sl|ls] List available site aliases.
site:value       Access a value from a single alias.
site-spec:parse  Parse a site specification.

Alias syntax

For simpler access to the site:exec command, you can use the alias syntax:

    ash @alias command-to-execute


This tool was built from the ashes of a small tool created by the consolidation/site-alias team called alias-tool.

It was inspired by the need to retire global drush.


Ash is a CLI designed to run globally, but can be installed in a composer project as well. Here are 3 options for installing:

  1. Site local composer require

     composer require jonpugh/ash`
  2. Composer Global require command and add to PATH:

    1. Run the following command to install ash to your user's global composer directory:

       composer global require jonpugh/ash
    2. To make ash available globally, set the PATH variable:

       export PATH="~/$COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin:$PATH"

      Put this in your ~/.bashrc or similar file.


    • This will install a composer.json file to the global COMPOSER_HOME directory.

    • The bin scripts will be installed in $COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin.

    • Your COMPOSER_HOME may vary. Refer to the composer global --help command for more information about COMPOSER_HOME.

    • From composer global --help:

      You can use this to install CLI utilities globally, all you need
      is to add the COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin dir to your PATH env var.
      COMPOSER_HOME is c:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Composer on Windows
      and /home/<user>/.composer on unix systems.
      If your system uses standards, then it will first check
      XDG_CONFIG_HOME or default to /home/<user>/.config/composer
      Note: This path may vary depending on customizations to bin-dir in
      composer.json or the environmental variable COMPOSER_BIN_DIR.
  3. Source install.

    For development, install the source, and if desired, set a symlink to make ash available globally.

    git clone
    cd ash
    composer install
    sudo ln -s $PWD/ash /usr/local/bin/ash
  4. Phar install.

    Coming Soon.


Once the ash command works, you need to tell it where your sites are. You can create alias files manually, or use the site:add command.

ash site:add

This command makes it easy to add new global site aliases.

To use, run ash site:add in the directory to your Drupal site. (@todo: allow adding from any directory)

If your site has the file ./drush/sites/self.yml, these aliases will be included in the global alias list.


See ash.yml for default config:

# Copy this file to ~/.ash/ash.yml if overriding is needed.
    - "${env.HOME}/.ash"

Put alias files in one of the directories defined in alias_directories.

Remember to name the files $ instead of

See Drush Site Alias Documentation for details on how to create alias files.


Given you have added the example file examples/ to $HOME/.ash/, you can run the following commands:

List all aliases

# List all aliases from global config (~/.ash/*)
$ ash ls
  root: /home/jonpugh/Work/Operations/operations/web
  uri: ''
    HOME: /home/jonpugh
  root: /home/jonpugh/Work/Operations/operations/web
  uri: ''
    HOME: /home/jonpugh

List site local aliases.

If you are running ash from a drupal codebase, it will detect and load all aliases in the drush/sites folder.

# List all aliases from a specific site.
$ cd path/to/myproject
$ ash ls
  user: platform
  root: /var/platform/projects/siteswatch/prod
  uri: ''
$ ash exec drush status

These aliases are also compatible with drush.

Run a command on the site

The main ash site:exec command uses SiteAlias & SiteProcess, so commands will automatically be run on the remote server via SSH. See additional options at

Docker-compose aliases can also be used.

# Execute a command in the site's folder, on the site's server.
$ ash exec drush status
Drupal version : 9.5.10                                                     
Site URI       : http://default                                              
PHP binary     : /usr/bin/php8.1                                             
PHP config     : /etc/php/8.1/cli/php.ini                                    
PHP OS         : Linux                                                       
PHP version    : 8.1.20                                               

If options are needed, use the -- as divider between ash command and target command.

$ ash exec -- drush wd-tail --extended

Ash aliases are drush aliases, so this is an equivalent command:

$ drush wd-tail --extended


  • Allow aliases to only contain name.environment. Currently all aliases get @ash pre-pended.
  • Allow syntax ash @alias command instead of ash site:exec @alias command. Need to find out how drush processes argv to set current alias.


Please read for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases page.


  • Jon Pugh
  • Greg Anderson - Original alias-tool script and command files.

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. Thanks also to all of the drush contributors who contributed directly or indirectly to site aliases.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details