
CakePHP 3 Facebook Plugin

Installs: 341

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 20


v1.0.3 2015-07-17 07:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 14:32:52 UTC


A CakePHP 3.x Plugin to allow Facebook Login into an application.

Total Downloads License


  • CakePHP 3.x with Auth component correctly setup. Refer to for setup
  • PHP 5.4.6+
  • Facebook PHP SDK 4.0+
  • Users Table with at least the following columns
    • facebook_id varchar(20) // can be set in config
    • first_name // can be set in config
    • last_name // can be set in config
    • username // can be set in config
    • password // can be set in config
    • email // can be set in config

For existing applications that already have a first_name, last_name, username and password already created with a different column name, you can dynamically set it in configuration options when loading the Component to your AppController.php file. See section 2 of Configuration below

NOTE: Facebook PHP SDK is a requirement. Composer will automatically install Facebook for you if not already installed. If manual download is chosen, you must download the Facebook Source into vendor/facebook/php-sdk-v4 and make sure it can be loaded by the composer. Else you need to manually include FAcebook's autoload.php file in your application's bootstrap.php.


  • Facebook Graph Component
  • Facebook Graph Helper
    • $this->Facebook->loginLink()
    • $this->Facebook->loginButton()
    • $this->Facebook->likeButton()
    • $this->Facebook->shareButton()
    • $this->Facebook->sendButton()
    • $this->Facebook->followButton()
    • $this->Facebook->comments()
    • $this->Facebook->embeddedPosts()
    • $this->Facebook->embeddedVideo()
    • $this->Facebook->page()

***** See below for more details on how to use each


Composer (Best Choice)
  1. Add the following to your composer.json located in the root of your application, in the require section . ie. /var/www/
"require": {
	"akkaweb/cakephp-facebook": "dev-master"
  1. Run the following at the root of your application
sudo php composer.phar update

Note: if composer.phar is not found, you need to install it. Follow CakePHP's documentation here -> Refer to Installing Cakephp section

Git Clone (plugins/AkkaFacebook)

git clone


Note: When installing with either manual download or Git Clone and CakePHP complains it cannot find the plugin, you need to add the plugin to vendor/cakephp-plugins.php in the plugins array [] --> 'AkkaFacebook' => $baseDir . '/plugins/AkkaFacebook/'. If you are using composer, running php composer.phar dumpautoload could be sufficient. If it does not work add the following to the "autoload" section in the root application's composer.json file in the "psr-4": section: "AkkaFacebook\\": "./plugins/AkkaFacebook/src"


  1. Load the plugin in your application's bootstrap.php file:
Plugin::load('AkkaFacebook', ['bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => true]);
  1. Load the plugin's component in AppController.php

Note: You need to obtain your facebook App Id and App Secret from Once you are on that page and have an App created, you can retrieve your App Id and App Secret. Make sure you add your domain to App Domains in the Settings page.

user_columns is optional and should only be used if your Users database columns defer from the defaults as specified in the Requirement section, above.

public function initialize(){
    $this->loadComponent('AkkaFacebook.Graph', [
	    'app_id' => 'your-fb-app-id',
	    'app_secret' => 'your-fb-app-secret',
	    'app_scope' => 'email', //
	    'enable_create' => true,
        'redirect_url' => '', //ie. Router::url(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login'], TRUE),
	    'post_login_redirect' => '' //ie. Router::url(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'account'], TRUE)
	    // 'user_columns' => ['first_name' => 'fname', 'last_name' => 'lname', 'username' => 'uname', 'password' => 'pass', 'extra_columns' => ['active' => 1]] //not required


Note: FacebookHelper is automatically loaded by the Graph Component. If that is not desired, add 'enable_graph_helper' => false, to $this->loadComponent() above.

Helper Template File Setup
  • Add <?php echo $this->Facebook->initJsSDK(); ?> immediately after the opening <body> tag
Login Link (Customizable Facebook link <a href)

Reference -

Optional Settings Array
* id 	-> Link id
* class -> Link class
* title -> Link title
* style -> Any html style
* label -> Hyperlink text
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->loginLink($options = []); ?>`
Login Button (Facebook Button)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'auto-logout-link' => false,
* 'max-rows' => 1,
* 'onlogin' => null,
* 'size' => 'small',
* 'show-faces' => false,
* 'default-audience' => 'friends'

`<?php echo $this->Facebook->loginButton($options = []); ?>`
Like Button (Facebook Like)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'action' => 'like', // like, recommend
* 'share' => true,
* 'width' => 450,
* 'show-faces' => true,
* 'layout' => 'standard' // standard, box_count, button_count, button

`<?php echo $this->Facebook->likeButton($options = []); ?>`
Share Button (Facebook Share)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'layout' => 'button_count' // button_count/box_count/button/icon_link/icon/link

`<?php echo $this->Facebook->shareButton($options = []); ?>`
Send Button (Facebook Send)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'width' => 50,
* 'height' => 30,
* 'colorscheme' => dark
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->sendButton($options = []); ?>`
Follow Button (Facebook Follow)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'width' => 300,
* 'height' => 100,
* 'colorscheme' => 'light',
* 'layout' => 'standard',
* 'show-faces' => false,
* 'kid-directed-site' => false
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->followButton($options = []); ?>`
Comments (Facebook Comments)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'colorscheme' => light, // light/dark
* 'mobile' => 'Auto-detected',
* 'num-posts' => 10,
* 'order-by' => 'social', // social/reverse_time/time
* 'width' => 550
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->comments($options = []); ?>`
Embedded Posts (Facebook Embedded Posts)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'width' => 500
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->embeddedPosts($options = []); ?>`
Embedded Video (Facebook Embedded Video)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'href' => ''
* 'width' => 500
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->embeddedVideo($options = []); ?>`
Page Plugin (Facebook Page Plugin)

Reference -

Default Options
* 'href' => '',
* 'height' => 300,
* 'hide-cover' => false,
* 'show-facepile' => true,
* 'show-posts' => false,
* 'width' => 500
`<?php echo $this->Facebook->page($options = []); ?>`

Coming Soon

  • Feed Dialog


Although we have done many tests to ensure this plugin works as intended, we advise you to use it at your own risk. As with anything else, you should first test any addition to your application in a test environment. Please provide any fixes or enhancements via issue or pull request.