
Uncomplicated MySQL Abstraction Layer

v0.0.1 2022-07-05 13:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 19:57:42 UTC


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UMySQL is an extremely simple PHP library for communicating with MySQL databases with ease while keeping overhead to a bare minimum. It aims to be an almost 1-to-1 and modern replacement for SafeMySQL.

It doesn't provide any ORM, migration, events, caching, etc. functionality: Just the bare minimum to get you started.


First of all, make sure your environment meets the following requirements:

Then, you should be able to install this library using Composer:

composer require josemmo/umysql


Creating a new instance

Typically, you'll want to create a new database instance using connection options:

$db = new UMySQL([
  'hostname' => '', // Defaults to "localhost"
  'username' => 'app',       // Defaults to "root"
  'password' => 'S3cret',    // Defaults to "" (empty string)
  'database' => 'blog',      // Defaults to none selected
  'port'     => 3306,        // Defaults to 3306
  'charset'  => 'utf8mb4'    // Defaults to "utf8mb4"

You can also connect to a UNIX socket:

$db = new UMySQL([
    'socket'   => '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'toor',

As an alternative to options, you can wrap a mysqli instance around a database connection:

$db = new UMySQL(mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'blog'));

Writing queries

UMySQL supports various placeholders to safely replace values into queries:

  • ?s for strings, decimals and dates
  • ?i for integers
  • ?n for identifiers (table and column names)
  • ?a for arrays of strings
  • ?u for maps (associative arrays), useful in UPDATE queries
  • ?p for already parsed query parts

Here are some common examples on how to use them:

$db->parse('SELECT * FROM movies');
// SELECT * FROM movies

$db->parse('SELECT * FROM ?n WHERE username=?s AND points>=?i', 'users', 'nick', 100);
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE username='nick' AND points>=100

$db->parse('SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN (?a)', [10, null, 30]);
// SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN ('10', NULL, '30')

$db->parse('INSERT INTO metrics SET ?u', ['rtt' => 132.22, 'unit' => 'ms']);
// INSERT INTO metrics SET `rtt`='132.22', `unit`='ms'

$db->parse('SELECT * FROM places WHERE city=?s ORDER BY ?n ?p', 'London', 'name', 'ASC');
// SELECT * FROM places WHERE city='London' ORDER BY `name` ASC

Fetching results

The database instance comes with built-in helpers for retrieving rows from the database in a straightforward manner:

  • $db->getAll() to get all rows in a result set
  • $db->getRow() to get only the first row or null in case of an empty result set
  • $db->getCol() to get the values from the first column of a result set
  • $db->getOne() to get the first column from the first row or false in case of an empty result set

Some examples are:

$movies = $db->getAll('SELECT title, year FROM movies');
// [['title' => '...', 'year' => '...'], ['title' => '...', 'year' => '...'], ...]

$product = $db->getRow('SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=?i', 123);
// ['name' => '...', 'price' => '...']

$metrics = $db->getCol('SELECT rtt FROM metrics WHERE created_at>=?s', gmdate('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
// ['112.12', '128.93', '120.66', '119.34', ...]

$userId = $db->getOne('SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=?s', 'some-username');
// '123'

Executing other queries

For non-SELECT and more advanced queries, UMySQL has a $db->query() method that returns a custom Result instance.

Typically, you'll use this method when you don't care about the result of an operation or when there's no result set:

$db->query('TRUNCATE metrics');
// [\UMySQL\Result]

Result instances are also useful in UPDATE/DELETE operations to get the number of affected rows:

$affectedRows = $db->query('DELETE FROM users WHERE banned=1')->rowCount();
// '123'

Similarly, you can get the last insert ID of an auto-increment column in INSERT operations:

$productId = $db->query('INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES (?s, ?s)', 'Something', 12.34)->insertId();
// '321'

These instances can also be used to read a result set at your own pace:

$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM large_table');
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
    // Do something with `$row`
$result->free(); // Optional, will get called after `unset($result)`

Running the test suite

If you want to contribute to this project, please make sure to run the tests before committing new changes.

Tests are run against a MySQL database, so you'll need to define the following environment variables beforehand:

  • DB_PASSWORD (optional)