
Agile UI and Data integration with Laravel

v1.0.4 2018-10-13 05:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 12:59:59 UTC


Laravel ATK is a Laravel integration package for Agile UI & Agile Data.


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Run this command from the Terminal:

composer require joseph-montanez/laravel-atk

Adding Middleware

Agile UI can terminate before $app->run() is ever called. As of right now this means an exception is thrown, so to catch the exception and return the response, Laravel's Middleware is needed.

Edit app/Http/Kernel.php


namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel

     * The application's route middleware groups.
     * @var array
    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
            // Add this middleware line to web


Agile UI Integration

This library is an app layer designed for Laravel. You need to use this app layer in order to leverage Agile UI within a controller. If you don't you get 500 errors, cookies and/or sessions may not save and URLs will have .php added to them.

1. Initialize Agile UI

Normally to initialize Agile UI, you call the following code:

$app = new \atk4\ui\App();

But since there is a custom app layer you have two options:

//-- Directly call the integrated app class
$app = new \Atk\Laravel\Ui\App(['title' => 'My Admin']);

//-- Using Laravel's service provider to keep track of app instance
$app = app()->make(\Atk\Laravel\Ui\App::class, ['title' => 'My Admin']);

2. Using Agile UI Within A Controller

To get Agile UI to render you need to return a response, as echoing output has been disabled.

class RoleController
    public function index(Request $request, DB $db, Common $ui)
        $app = app()->make(\Atk\Laravel\Ui\App::class, ['title' => 'My Admin']);

         * The List Header
         * @var \atk4\ui\Header $header
        $header = $ui->app->add('Header', ['Hello There!']);

        return response($app->run());

3. Using Laravel's Names Routes inside Link

If you depend on Laravel's route named generator then you'll need to use this package's varient of Link. This allows a callback with the record / row data to be passed into your route.

 * The User Grid
 * @var \atk4\ui\Grid $grid
$grid = $userListColumn->add('Grid');
$grid->setModel(new User($atkDb), ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'created_at']);
    new \Atk\Laravel\Ui\TableColumn\Link(null, [], function ($row) {
        return route('admin.user.edit', ['id' => $row['id']]);

Agile Database Connection

If you are planning on using Agile Data, then you can use the service provide to take the existing database connection and pass it into Agile Data.

$atkDb = app()->make(\Atk\Laravel\Data\Persistence_SQL::class);

 * @var \atk4\ui\CRUD $crud
$crud = $app->add('CRUD');
$crud->setModel(new Permission($atkDb),  ['name', 'group_name', 'guard_name', 'created_at']);