
Phalcon RESTful Webservice

dev-master 2015-07-30 06:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 16:08:33 UTC


Just another Phalcon RESTful webservice. It use Phalcon annotation routing for advanced and flexible routing configuration.

Routing & Options

All routing must be placed in app/controllers and must have Controller suffix for class name. If your controller name is Example then class name is ExampleController. You can limit max request to specific API key or method. Limiting max request for API key can be set in Class Annotation, It will limit API key to access all method inside class. Also if you want to limit specific method you can set in Method Annotation, it will limit all API key to accessing this method.

Class Annotation Options

@RoutePrefix("your-prefix-url-here") - required

@Api(level=1-10, limits={"key": {"increment": "-1 month", "limit": 1000}}) - optional

Method Annotation Options

@Get("/") - required

@Post("/") - required

@Put("/) - required

@Delete("/") - required

@Auth("your-auth-driver") - optional

@Limit({"increment": "-1 hour", "limit": 50}) - optional

Full Example

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

 * @RoutePrefix("/v1/example")
 * @Api(level=1,
 *  limits={
 *   "key" : {
 *       "increment" : "-1 day", "limit" : 1000}
 *   }
 *  )
class ExampleController extends Controller
     * @Get("/")
     * @Limit({"increment": "-1 hour", "limit": 50});
     * @Auth("basic")
     * @Whitelist()
    public function getAction()
        // Your Logic here

     * @Post("/")
     * @Limit({"increment": "-1 hour", "limit": 50});
     * @Auth("basic")
    public function addAction()
        // Your Logic here


You add additional layer for security by add authentication, Auth can only enabled per class method by add annotation.


This is enable HTTP auth basic when user request webservice.


Response are handled by ellipsesynergie/api-response you can access this library via phalcon DI using apiResponse


     * @Get("/")
     * @Limit({"increment": "1 hour", "limit": 50});
     * @Auth("basic")
    public function getAction()
				"name" => "Jowy"
				"My-Custom-Response-Header" => "It rocks"


php vendor/bin/phinx migrate


php vendor/bin/codecept run

To do

  1. Improve documentation
  2. Add IP based whitelist/blacklist (implemented)
  3. Add IP based limitting
  4. Add dashboard for monitoring webservice