
0.2.6 2023-08-06 19:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 14:07:39 UTC


Quick example

// Load composers autoloader
require __DIR__ '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

// Import and instantiate the router
use Jsl\Router\Router;

$router = new Router;

$router->get('/some/path', function () {
    return 'Response for URL /some/path';

// Run the router and get the response from the callback
$response = $router->run();

echo $response; 
// If the URL is /some/path, then you'll see "Response for URL /some/path"

Adding routes

Different ways of adding routes

// Add a GET route
$router->get('/foo', function () {
    return 'This is the callback for GET /foo';

// Add a POST route
$router->post('/foo', function () {
    return 'This is the callback for POST /foo';

//...same for put(), delete()

// Allow any verb
$router->any('/foo', function () {
    return 'This is the callback for any verb on /foo';

// Add a route for some other verb (PATCH is just an example)
$router->addRoute('PATCH', '/foo', function () {
    return 'This is the callback for PATCH /foo';

Adding routes using attributes

// Add attributes to the class

// Add optional group info, like a prefix for all routes in the class
#[JslRouteGroup(prefix: '/foo')]
class SomeClass
    // Add a route for this method
        method: 'GET',
        path: '/bar',
        name: 'someName'
    public function someMethod()
        return 'Callback for route /foo/bar';

// Pass the class name to the router

// Or pass a list of class names


Route callbacks comes in different shapes and sizes

// Closure
$route->get('/foo', function () { ... });

// Passing class name and method name - The router will instantiate the class when running the router
$router->get('/foo', ['Some\ClassName', 'someMethod']);

// Passing instance and method name
$router->get('/foo', [$somClass, 'someMethod']);

// ...you can use any callable as callback

Route parameters

Add dynamic route parameters

// (:num) - Matches only numbers (uses regex: [\d]+)
$router->get('/foo/(:num)', function ($param) {
    return "This is a route param: {$param}";

// (:hex) - Matches only hexadecimal characters (uses regex: [a-fA-F0-9]+)
$router->get('/foo/(:hex)', function ($param) {
    return "This is a route param: {$param}";

// (:any) - Matches any characters (up to the next /) (uses regex: [^\/]+)
$router->get('/foo/(:any)', function ($param) {
    return "This is a route param: {$param}";

// (:all) - Matches everything (including /) (uses regex: .*)
$router->get('/foo/(:all)', function ($param) {
    return "This is a route param: {$param}";

// Make a dynamic paramter optional by adding ?
$router->get('/foo/(:num)?', function ($param = 123) {
    return "This is a route param: {$param} or 123 if no param was passed";

Group routes

// Add a prefix to all routes in the group
$router->group(['prefix' => '/foo'], function (Router $router) {
    // This will add a route for /foo/bar
    $router->get('/bar', function () { ... });

    // This will add a route for /foo/example
    $router->get('/example', function () { ... });

// Use dynamic parameters in the prefix, just like in the routes
$router->group(['prefix' => '/foo/(:num)'], function (Router $router) {
    // This will add a route for /foo/(:num)/bar
    $router->get('/bar', function () { ... });

Named routes

Instead of remembering all URLs and manually keep updating/syncing links, you can use named routes

// Add a route and give it a name
$router->get('/foo', function () { ... })->setName('something-foo');

// Get the route for a specific name
$path = $router->getNamedRoute('something-foo'); 
// Returns: /foo

// Add a route with dynamic parameters and give it a name
$router->get('/foo/(:num)', function () { ... })->setName('something-foo');

// Get the route for a specific name with dynamic parameters
// Pass the values for each dynamic route parameter as an array
$path = $router->getNamedRoute('something-foo', [123]); 
// Returns: /foo/123

Resolve a callback

If you pass in a class name: ['ClassName', 'methodName'] or 'ClassName' that has __invoke(), the class needs to be instantiated. The router will do that for you when you call run(), but if you want to have control of the instantiation (to inject dependencies through some IoC container for example), you can set your own custom class resolver.

// An example that does what the default resolver does
$router->setClassResolver(function (string $className): object {
    return new $className;

The argument to your function will always be a string, and the response must be a class instance.
The above is just a minimal (and quite useless) example. Your function can do what ever you want (like resolving it through a container) as long as you return a class instance.