
A package to add booting/initialization functionality to PHP traits

v2.0.2 2019-02-01 15:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:44:40 UTC


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This is a super straightforward library heavily inspired by the Laravel framework. This library allows you to "boot" and "initialize" traits on any given class in an understandable and predictable way.


You can install this library just like you would anything else via composer.

composer require judahnator/boots-traits



In this context, 'booting' a trait involves calling a static method in it. This is commonly used for registering functionality or setting the class up for future use.

In order to use this functionality you need to 'use' the \judahnator\BootsTraits\BootsTraits trait in your class and call its static bootTraits() method.

To write a trait that is 'booted' simply write a static method that is named 'boot' then your trait basename. So if your trait was named 'MyAwesomeTrait' your boot method would be named 'bootMyAwesomeTrait'


'Initializing' a trait is calling a special non-static method on your given trait. This is where you can perform setup actions that require the class to be already booted and have all the services registered available.

In order to use this functionality you need to 'use' the \judahnator\BootsTraits\InitializesTraits trait in your class and call its initializeTraits() method.

To write a trait that is 'initialized' simply write a method that is named 'initialize' then your trait basename. If your trait was named 'MyAwesomeTrait' your initialization method would be named 'initializeMyAwesomeTrait'.



use judahnator\BootsTraits\{BootsTraits, InitializesTraits};

// Example booted trait
trait MyBootedTrait
    protected static function bootMyBootedTrait(): void
        echo "Booting ".__TRAIT__.PHP_EOL;

// Example initialized trait
trait MyInitializedTrait
    protected function initializeMyInitializedTrait(): void
        echo __TRAIT__." has been initialized".PHP_EOL;

// Why not both initialize and boot a trait?
trait MyBootedAndInitializedTrait
    protected static function bootMyBootedAndInitializedTrait(): void
        echo "Booting ".__TRAIT__.PHP_EOL;

    protected function initializeMyBootedAndInitializedTrait(): void
        echo __TRAIT__." has been initialized".PHP_EOL;

// To create a class that boots
class MyClassThatBoots
        BootsTraits, // use this to enable booting
        MyBootedTrait; // add your 'bootable' traits
    public function __construct() 
        // You can call this from wherever
        // I just find the constructor handy

// To create a class that initializes
class MyClassThatInitializes
        InitializesTraits, // use this to enable initialization
        MyInitializedTrait; // add your 'initializable' traits

// You can call the 'initializeTraits()' method from anywhere
(new MyClassThatInitializes())->initializeTraits();

// An example of a class that does both
class MyClassThatBootsAndInitializes
    public function __construct() 
        // Boot your class
        // Booting MyBootedTrait
        // Booting MyBootedAndInitializedTrait
        // Initialize your class
        // MyInitializedTrait has been initialized
        // MyBootedAndInitializedTrait has been initialized