
Laravel Invitation package, existing users can invite others by email

v12.0.0 2025-03-12 23:26 UTC


Larainvite is a Laravel package that allows existing users to invite others via email.

It generates a one-time invitation code that can be sent as an invite link, and keeps track of the invitation status.

Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads Monthly Downloads

  • v12 supports Laravel 12
  • v7 supports Laravel 11
  • v6 supports Laravel 10
  • v5 supports Laravel 9
  • v4 supports Laravel 8
  • v3 supports Laravel 5.8+, Laravel 6.0 and Laravel 7.0
  • v2 supports Laravel 5.0 to 5.8
  • v1 supports Laravel 4.*


Begin by installing the package through Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer require junaidnasir/larainvite

add the package service provider in the providers array in config/app.php:


you may add the facade access in the aliases array:

'Invite'  => Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Facades\Invite::class

publish the migration and config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Junaidnasir\Larainvite\LaraInviteServiceProvider"

migrate to create user_invitation table

php artisan migrate

edit your User model to include larainviteTrait

use Junaidnasir\Larainvite\InviteTrait;
class user ... {
    use InviteTrait;


You can use facade accessor to retrieve the package controller. Examples:

$user = Auth::user();
//Invite::invite(EMAIL, REFERRAL_ID); 
$refCode = Invite::invite('email@address.com', $user->id);
$refCode = Invite::invite('email@address.com', $user->id, '2016-12-31 10:00:00');
$refCode = Invite::invite($to, Auth::user()->id, Carbon::now()->addYear(1),
                      function(/* InvitationModel, see Configurations */ $invitation) use ($someValue) {
      $invitation->someParam = $someValue;

now create routes with refCode, when user access that route you can use following methods

// Get route
$code = Request::input('code');
if( Invite::isValid($code))
    $invitation = Invite::get($code); //retrieve invitation modal
    $invited_email = $invitation->email;
    $referral_user = $invitation->user;

    // show signup form
} else {
    $status = Invite::status($code);
    // show error or show simple signup form
// Post route
$code = Request::input('code');
$email = Request::input('signup_email');
if( Invite::isAllowed($code,$email) ){
    // Register this user
} else {
    // either refCode is inavalid, or provided email was not invited against this refCode

with help of new trait you have access to invitations sent by user

$user= User::find(1);
$invitations = $user->invitations;
$count = $user->invitations()->count();


larainvite fires several events

  • Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Events\Invited
  • Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Events\InvitationConsumed
  • Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Events\InvitedCanceled
  • Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Events\Expired

all of these events incloses invitation modal so you can listen to these events. include listener in EventServiceProvider.php

use Junaidnasir\Larainvite\Events\Invited;
use App\Listeners\SendUserInvitationNotification;

protected $listen = [
    Invited::class => [


public function handle($invitation)
    \Mail::queue('invitations.emailBody', $invitation, function ($m) use ($invitation) {
            $m->from('From Address', 'Your App Name');
            $m->subject("You have been invited by ". $invitation->user->name);


in config/larainvite.php you can set default expiration time in hours from current time.

'expires' => 48

you can also change user model to be used, in larainvite.php

'UserModel' => 'App\User'

you can also change invitation model to be used, in larainvite.php

'InvitationModel' => 'App\Invitation'