
A simple PHP package that is used to create different Http Auth Headers

v1.2.0 2020-12-07 12:25 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-07 21:08:06 UTC


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A simple PHP package that is used to create different Http Auth Headers.

This is a simple to use library, to install - all you need to do is:

$ composer require juststeveking/http-auth-strategies

Then to use the library all you need to do is:

$strategy = new BasicStrategy(

// Get the Auth header as an array - passing through the required Authorization prefix
// ['Authorization' => 'Bearer dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=']

There is also a NullStrategy for when you want to follow a consistent pattern, but do not want to actually use any auth:

$strategy = new NullStrategy();

// Get the Auth header as an array - passing through the required Authorization prefix
// []

You can now also create your own custom header using the CustomStrategy, for when an API requires something specific that doesn't follow the typical pattern:

$strategy = new CustomStrategy(


// Get the Auth header as an array - passing through the required Authorization prefix
// ['X-API-KEY' => 'Bearer your-api-key']