
A helpful Laravel package to help me get started in Laravel projects quicker.

Fund package maintenance!

dev-main 2023-06-12 08:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 11:35:20 UTC


A helpful Laravel package to help me get started in Laravel projects quicker.

This is still a work in progress, so use at your own risk!

CLI Commands

  • php artisan setup:phpstan: This command will publish a default PHPStan configuration file in the root directory of your Laravel Project.
  • php artisan setup:pint: This command will publish a default Laravel Pint configuration file in the root directory of your Laravel Project.


  • CacheService - A helper to allow you to use caching underneath an abstracted class. Currently only implements:
    • remember which accepts:
      • CacheKey Enum
      • CacheExpiry Enum
      • Closure callback
  • Resolver - A helper to allow you to fetch typed values from config.
  • Portal - A helper to allow you to interact with the Laravel Database Manager, current methods implemented:
    • transaction which will allow you to do Database Transactions easily.
  • DispatchableCommandBus - A helper to allow you to dispatch background jobs using the DI container instead of the Facade.


  • RendersInertiaComponent - Add this to your Web Controllers, to have access to the underlying Response Factory for Inertia by using $this->response->render().


  • SelfRegistersToContainer - A contract that you can add to a class, which is used for self registration into the DI container for classes.
  • CacheExpiry - A contract that we will add to Enums that are related to Cache Expiry times.
  • CacheKey - A contract that we will add to Enums that are related to Cache Keys.

API Responses

  • MessageResponse - A response class that will return a response with the key message.
  • ModelResponse - A response class that accepts an Eloquent Resource class.
  • CollectionResponse - A response class that accepts an Eloquent Resource collection class.