
A PHP SDK for interacting with the Ollama API.

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The Ollama PHP SDK provides the easiest way to integrate Ollama with your PHP projects.

Getting Started

composer require juststeveking/ollama-php


To get started with the Ollama SDK for PHP, firstly you will need to create a new SDK Instance. You can manually do this, or inject an instance of the SDK using a DI container.

use JustSteveKing\Ollama\SDK;

$sdk = (new SDK(
    apiToken: '',
    url: 'https://api.your-api-instance.test/',

// Now you can interact with the Ollama SDK.


There are a handful of methods you can call on the SDK, that will work directly with the Ollama API.

  • chat: Generate the next message in a chat with a provided model. This is a streaming endpoint, so there will be a series of responses. Streaming can be disabled using "stream": false. The final response object will include statistics and additional data from the request.
  • create: Create a model from a Modelfile. It is recommended to set modelfile to the content of the Modelfile rather than just set path. This is a requirement for remote create. Remote model creation must also create any file blobs, fields such as FROM and ADAPTER, explicitly with the server using Create a Blob and the value to the path indicated in the response.
  • generate: Generate a response for a given prompt with a provided model. This is a streaming endpoint, so there will be a series of responses. The final response object will include statistics and additional data from the request.
  • pull: Download a model from the ollama library. Cancelled pulls are resumed from where they left off, and multiple calls will share the same download progress.
  • push: Upload a model to a model library. Requires registering for ollama.ai and adding a public key first.
  • delete: Delete a model and its data.
  • list: List models that are available locally.
  • embeddings: Generate embeddings from a model

Chat with a provided model

use JustSteveKing\Ollama\SDK;
use JustSteveKing\Ollama\Enums\Role;
use JustSteveKing\Ollama\Requests\Chat;

$sdk = (new SDK(
    apiToken: '',
    url: 'https://api.your-api-instance.test/',

  'model' => 'llama3',
  'messages' => [
      'role' => Role::System,
      'content' => 'This is your system prompt.'
      'role' => Role::User,
      'content' => 'This is your prompt.',

This will return an instance of ChatResponse.

Create a model from a Modelfile

use JustSteveKing\Ollama\SDK;
use JustSteveKing\Ollama\Requests\CreateRequest;

$sdk = (new SDK(
    apiToken: '',
    url: 'https://api.your-api-instance.test/',

  'model' => 'name of the model',
  'path' => 'Optional path to the modelfile',
  'modelfile' => 'String contents of the modelfile.',
  'stream' => false // Stream the response.

This will return an instance of StatusResponse.

Generate a response for a given prompt with a provided model

use JustSteveKing\Ollama\SDK;
use JustSteveKing\Ollama\Requests\Prompt;

$sdk = (new SDK(
    apiToken: '',
    url: 'https://api.your-api-instance.test/',

  'model' => 'llama3',
  'prompt' => 'This is your prompt',

This will return an instance of GenerateResponse.