
Easy system for working with placeholders in texts

v0.2.0 2016-03-01 10:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 19:54:44 UTC


Easy system for working with placeholders in texts



Full list of dependencies you can get from Composer config file

  • PHP 5.4 or higher


The best way to install Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor is using Composer

$ composer require kappa/placeholderprocessor


1. step - Prepare custom placeholder processors

There is a few rules how to create a custom placeholder processors. Each you placeholder processor must implements \Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor\IPlaceholderProcessor interface or and it is recommended you can extend your class from \Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor\PlaceholderProcessor class which implements this interface and prepares logic for easy and quick usage.

For example:

use Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor\PlaceholderProcessor;

class MySuperPlaceholderProcessor extends PlaceholderProcessor
	private $db;
	public function __construct(Database $db) 
	    $this->db = $db;
	public function configure()

	public function run(array $sources = [])
		return $this->db->find('users', $sources['user_id'])->getName();

This placeholder will replace %mySuperPlaceholderProcessor% placeholder by user name by id which is set as external source.

You must configure your processor in configure method. In this method you must set name of placeholder if format %<name>%. In this case this placeholder will be works with %mySuperPlaceholderProcessor% placeholder.

The second important settings is list of external sources. This list will be used for automatic compare with $source in run method. You can be sure that each of item from external source will be in $source in run method. This sources will be given from TextFormatter::format($text, $sources).

Returns from run method will be used for replacing placeholder.

2. step - Create a new instance

For translate placeholders you need instance of Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor\TextFormatter

You can create this instance manually

$textFormatter = new TextFormatter([
    new MySuperPlaceholderProcessor()

or you can use setPlaceholders(array) method

$textFormatter = new TextFormatter();
  new MySuperPlaceholderProcessor()

or when you use Nette Framework you can register this package as extension

	    class: MySuperPlaceholderProcessor
	    tags: [kappa.placeholder_processor]

    placeholderProcessor: Kappa\PlaceholderProcessor\DI\PlaceholderProcessorExtension
	strict: true

public function __construct(TextFormatter $textFormatter) {

of course you can add single processor $textFormatter->addProcessor(new MySuperPlaceholderProcessor());.

3. step - Usage

Now we have custom placeholder and instance of formatter and you can try translate this text Hello %mySuperPlaceholderProcessor%, %foo%

$textFormatter = new TextFormatter([
    new mySuperPlaceholderProcessor($db)

$output = $textFormatter->format('Hello %mySuperPlaceholderProcessor%, %foo%', ['user_id' => 1]);

Formatter replace %mySuperPlaceholderProcessor% by logic in MySuperPlaceholderProcessor class. This processor gets user_id from external source (second argument in format method), find user in database and returns his name which can be used for replacing original placeholder. Placeholder %foo% will be ignored because there isn't any processor with this name.

Output: Hello Joe, %foo%.

Strict mode

Strict mode is turn off by default.

When you need strict mode which throws exception when in text is placeholder which hasn't any processor (as %foo% in previous example). You can turn on (or off) by setStrictMode(true) method or when you use Nette Framework in config file by strict: true