
Tool for functional testing of Keboola Connection components

5.6.0 2023-10-20 08:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 11:16:52 UTC


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Require this package in you component

composer require keboola/datadir-tests`

In the tests folder create a directory structure mimicking the directory structure in production:

  ├─expected-stdout (optional)
  ├─expected-stderr (optional)
  │ └─data
  │   └─out
  │     ├─files
  │     └─tables
  │ └─data
  │   └─in
  │     ├─files
  │     └─tables

Note: expected-stdout and expected-stderr are compared with real output using assertStringMatchesFormat method, so you can use placeholders.

Then create empty /path/to/tests/DatadirTest that extends Keboola\DatadirTests\DatadirTestCase:



namespace MyComponent\Tests;

use Keboola\DatadirTests\DatadirTestCase;

class DatadirTest extends DatadirTestCase

Run it using

vendor/bin/phpunit /path/to/tests/DatadirTest.php`

The script then executes /code/src/run.php with KBC_DATADIR set to the test directory. There can be any number of test directories and the script automatically discovers them using DatadirTestsFromDirectoryProvider. You can supply your own provider that implements DatadirTestsProviderInterface. It needs to return array of arrays (!) of DatadirTestSpecificationInterface instances.

When the expected-code file is present, the return code of execution is checked. The file contains a single number number - the execution code, allowed values are 0, 1, 2.

What is DatadirTestSpecificationInterface?

DatadirTestSpecificationInterface contains all the information you need to create and assert a datadir test:

  • getSourceDatadirDirectory(): ?string: returns the directory that initializes the test. You should prepare config.json and potentially also /in/files or /in/tables contents. That directory is mirrored to the temporary directory that the test is ran in. null means just barebones directory structure is created and you need to create config.json, etc. in the temporary directory yourself.
  • getExpectedReturnCode(): ?int: expected exit code, null means "non-zero"
  • getExpectedStdout(): ?string: if supplied, whole stdout output is checked against supplied value
  • getExpectedStderr(): ?string: if supplied, whole stderr output is checked against supplied value
  • getExpectedOutDirectory(): ?string: if supplied, the temporary directory's out directory is compared with this directory after the component is ran. Any differences result in test failure.

Custom test

Just add a test method and reuse the existing helper methods in AbstractDatadirTestCase.

public function testInvalidFile(): void
   // create specification manually
   $specification = new DatadirTestSpecification(
       __DIR__ . '/columns-auto/source/data',
       __DIR__ . '/columns-auto/expected/data/out'
   // create temporary directory
   $tempDatadir = $this->getTempDatadir($specification);
   // modify temporary directory however you see fit
   file_put_contents($tempDatadir->getTmpFolder() . '/config.json', '{"parameters": []}');
   // run the script
   $process = $this->runScript($tempDatadir->getTmpFolder());
   // assert specification
   $this->assertMatchesSpecification($specification, $process, $tempDatadir->getTmpFolder());

Environment variables

  • In config.json you can use placeholders for environment variables.
  • Format is %env(TYPE:VAR_NAME)%, eg. %env(int:DB_PORT)%.
  • All string values in config.json that match specified format are replaced.
  • It is implemented inAbstractDatadirTestCase::modifyConfigJsonContent.
  • Allowed types are string, int, float, bool.
  • See example in the test.

Functionality adjustments

  • To modify temp data dir before execution, you can extend the method AbstractDatadirTestCase::setUpDatadir.


Clone this repository and init the workspace with following command:

git clone
cd datadir-tests
docker-compose run --rm dev /bin/bash
$ composer install
$ composer ci


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.