
Helper classes for developing Keboola PHP components

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10.1.6 2024-09-30 08:44 UTC


General library for php component running in KBC. The library provides function related to Docker Runner.


composer require keboola/php-component


Create a subclass of BaseComponent.

class Component extends \Keboola\Component\BaseComponent
    protected function run(): void
        // get parameters
        $parameters = $this->getConfig()->getParameters();

        // get value of customKey.customSubKey parameter and fail if missing
        $customParameter = $this->getConfig()->getValue(['parameters', 'customKey', 'customSubKey']);

        // get value with default value if not present
        $customParameterOrNull = $this->getConfig()->getValue(['parameters', 'customKey'], 'someDefaultValue');

        // get manifest for input file
        $fileManifest = $this->getManifestManager()->getFileManifest('input-file.csv');

        // get manifest for input table
        $tableManifest = $this->getManifestManager()->getTableManifest('in.tableName');

        // write manifest for output file
            (new OutFileManifestOptions())
                ->setTags(['tag1', 'tag2'])

        // write manifest for output table
            (new OutTableManifestOptions())
            true // legacy manifest format flag

    protected function customSyncAction(): array
        return ['result' => 'success', 'data' => ['joe', 'marry']];

    protected function getSyncActions(): array
        return ['custom' => 'customSyncAction'];

Use this src/run.php template.



use Keboola\Component\Logger;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$logger = new Logger();
try {
    $app = new MyComponent\Component($logger);
} catch (\Keboola\Component\UserException $e) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
        get_class($e) . ':' . $e->getMessage(),
            'errFile' => $e->getFile(),
            'errLine' => $e->getLine(),
            'errCode' => $e->getCode(),
            'errTrace' => $e->getTraceAsString(),
            'errPrevious' => $e->getPrevious() ? get_class($e->getPrevious()) : '',

Sync actions support

Sync actions can be called directly via API. API will block and wait for the result. The correct action is selected based on the action key of config. BaseComponent class handles the selection automatically. Also it handles serialization and output of the action result - sync actions must output valid JSON.

To implement a sync action

  • add a method in your Component class. The naming is entirely up to you.
  • override the Component::getSyncActions() method to return array containing your sync actions names as keys and corresponding method names from the Component class as values.
  • return value of the method will be serialized to json

Customizing config

Custom getters in config

You might want to add getter methods for custom parameters in the config. That way you don't need to remember exact keys (parameters.customKey.customSubKey), but instead use a method to retrieve the value ($config->getCustomSubKey()).

Simply create your own Config class, that extends BaseConfig and override \Keboola\Component\BaseComponent::getConfigClass() method to return your new class name.

class MyConfig extends \Keboola\Component\Config\BaseConfig 
    public function getCustomSubKey()
        $defaultValue = 0;
        return $this->getValue(['parameters', 'customKey', 'customSubKey'], $defaultValue);


class MyComponent extends \Keboola\Component\BaseComponent
    protected function getConfigClass(): string
        return MyConfig::class;

Custom parameters validation

To validate input parameters extend \Keboola\Component\Config\BaseConfigDefinition class. By overriding the getParametersDefinition() method, you can validate the parameters part of the config. Make sure that you return the actual node you add, not TreeBuilder. You can use parent::getParametersDefinition() to get the default node or you can build it yourself.

If you need to validate other parts of config as well, you can override getRootDefinition() method. Again, make sure that you return the actual node, not the TreeBuilder.

class MyConfigDefinition extends \Keboola\Component\Config\BaseConfigDefinition
    protected function getParametersDefinition()
        $parametersNode = parent::getParametersDefinition();
        return $parametersNode;

Note: Your build may fail if you use PhpStan because of complicated type behavior of the \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ExprBuilder::end() method, so you may need to ignore some errors.

Again you need to supply the new class name in your component

class MyComponent extends \Keboola\Component\BaseComponent
    protected function getConfigDefinitionClass(): string
        return MyConfigDefinition::class;

If any constraint of config definition is not met a UserException is thrown. That means you don't need to handle the messages yourself.

Migration from version 6 to version 7

The default entrypoint of component (in index.php) changed from BaseComponent::run() to BaseComponent::execute(). Please also note, that the run method can no longer be public and can only be called from inside the component now.

More reading

For more information, please refer to the generated docs. See development guide for help with KBC integration.


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.