
A fluent and intuitive way to construct filters for Meilisearch queries.

v1.0 2023-08-30 13:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:39 UTC


Meilisearch Search Filter

Build Status PHPStan License

This zero-dependency library provides a fluent and intuitive way to construct filters for Meilisearch queries. It simplifies the process of building filters by offering a chainable API.


Minimum requirements: PHP 8.1 or higher.

To use this library in your project, you can install it using Composer:

composer require kennedytedesco/meilisearch-search-filter "^1.0"


You can learn how Meilisearch filters work by reading the official documentation.

You should also check out the Meilisearch PHP SDK.

Here are some examples that demonstrate how to build filters using this library:

use Meilisearch\Client;
use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$client = new Client('', 'masterKey');

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->where(function (SearchFilter $filter) {
        $filter->whereGreaterThan('rating.critics', 80)
            ->whereGreaterThanOrEqual('rating.users', 70);
    ->whereIn('genres', ['Horror', 'Thriller']);

$index = $client->index('movies');

$results = $index->search('wonder', [
    // (rating.critics > 80 AND rating.users >= 70) AND genres IN ["Horror", "Thriller"]
    'filter' => $filter->build(),

You can also use alias methods when constructing filters:

use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->where(function (SearchFilter $filter) {
        $filter->whereGt('rating.critics', 80)
            ->whereGte('rating.users', 70);
    ->orWhereIn('genres', ['Horror', 'Thriller']);

echo $filter->build(); 

// Output: (rating.critics > 80 AND rating.users >= 70) OR genres IN ["Horror", "Thriller"]

Alternatively, you can use the where(...) method and pass the operator as the second argument:

use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->where(function (SearchFilter $filter) {
        $filter->where('rating.critics', '>', 80)
            ->where('rating.users', '>=', 70);
    ->orWhereIn('genres', ['Horror', 'Thriller']);

echo $filter->build(); 

// Output: (rating.critics > 80 AND rating.users >= 70) OR genres IN ["Horror", "Thriller"]

Using Between

The TO operator is equivalent to >= AND <=.

For more details, see this link.

use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->whereBetween('rating.critics', 80, 90);

echo $filter->build(); 

// Output: rating.critics 80 TO 90

If you want your results to only include "comedy" and "horror" movies released after March 1995, it's mandatory to group the OR conditions:

use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->where(function (SearchFilter $filter) {
        $filter->where('genres', 'horror')
            ->orWhere('genres', 'comedy');
    ->where('release_date', '>', '795484800');

echo $filter->build();

// Output: (genres = "horror" OR genres = "comedy") AND release_date > 795484800

So, when you provide a closure to the where() or orWhere() methods, a fresh SearchFilter instance is passed to the closure as the first argument. This lets you craft nested filters within parentheses.

Using when()

The when() method allows you to conditionally add filters to the query. For example:

use KennedyTedesco\Meilisearch\SearchFilter\SearchFilter;

$filter = SearchFilter::new()
    ->when($request->filled('type'), function (SearchFilter $filter) use($request) {
        $filter->where('type', $request->get('type'));
    ->where('release_date', '>', '795484800');

All available filter methods

Method Description
where(...$args) Adds a filter condition using the AND logical operator.
whereGreaterThan(...$args) Adds a greater than comparison filter condition.
whereGt(...$args) Alias for whereGreaterThan.
whereGreaterThanOrEqual(...$args) Adds a greater than or equal to comparison filter condition.
whereGte(...$args) Alias for whereGreaterThanOrEqual.
whereLessThan(...$args) Adds a less than comparison filter condition.
whereLt(...$args) Alias for whereLessThan.
whereLessThanOrEqual(...$args) Adds a less than or equal to comparison filter condition.
whereLte(...$args) Alias for whereLessThanOrEqual.
whereNot(...$args) Adds a not equal comparison filter condition.
whereIn(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is in a given array of values.
whereNotIn(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not in a given array of values.
whereExists(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value exists.
whereNotExists(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value does not exist.
orWhere(...$args) Adds a filter condition using the OR logical operator.
orWhereGreaterThan(...$args) Adds a greater than comparison filter condition using OR logical operator.
orWhereGt(...$args) Alias for orWhereGreaterThan.
orWhereGreaterThanOrEqual(...$args) Adds a greater than or equal to comparison filter condition using OR logical operator.
orWhereGte(...$args) Alias for orWhereGreaterThanOrEqual.
orWhereLessThan(...$args) Adds a less than comparison filter condition using OR logical operator.
orWhereLt(...$args) Alias for orWhereLessThan.
orWhereLessThanOrEqual(...$args) Adds a less than or equal to comparison filter condition using OR logical operator.
orWhereLte(...$args) Alias for orWhereLessThanOrEqual.
orWhereNot(...$args) Adds a not equal comparison filter condition using OR logical operator.
orWhereIn(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is in a given array of values using OR logical operator.
orWhereNotIn(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not in a given array of values using OR logical operator.
orWhereExists(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value exists using OR logical operator.
orWhereNotExists(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value does not exist using OR logical operator.
whereBetween(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is between two values.
whereNotBetween(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not between two values.
orWhereBetween(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is between two values using OR logical operator.
orWhereNotBetween(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not between two values using OR logical operator.
whereEmpty(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is empty.
whereNotEmpty(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not empty.
orWhereEmpty(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is empty using OR logical operator.
orWhereNotEmpty(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not empty using OR logical operator.
whereNull(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is null.
whereNotNull(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not null.
orWhereNull(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is null using OR logical operator.
orWhereNotNull(...$args) Adds a filter to check if the attribute value is not null using OR logical operator.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to submit pull requests or open issues on the GitHub repository.