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simple upload manager

v1.0 2018-09-17 18:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 19:54:42 UTC


screen record


File upload manager can be used to upload chunk and non-chunk files.

Uploads can be resumed later(see "resumable-chunk-upload" example in "examples/js-example directory").

Add your files , upload them and close browser, next time you can open browser and resume the uncompleted uploads.


  • Multiple file upload: Allows to select multiple files at once and upload them simultaneously.
  • Cancelable uploads: Individual file uploads can be canceled to stop the upload progress.
  • Resumable uploads: Aborted uploads can be resumed later.
  • Chunk uploads: Large files can be uploaded in smaller chunks.
  • Customizable and extensible: Provides an interface to define callback methods for various upload events.

Getting started


composer require khanzadimahdi/uploadmanager


Available Classes :

  • UploadManager\Chunk : contains file's (or chunk) information.
  • UploadManager\Upload : stores received files (or chunks).

Example: (simple file upload)

Files are in the "examples/simple-upload" directory

First we create a simple HTML form

<form method="post" action="<?= htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <label for="media">select file to upload:</label>
    <input id="media" name="media" type="file">
    <input type="submit" value="upload files">

Then we store file (or files) using the below codes:

    $uploadManager=new \UploadManager\Upload('media');
        foreach($chunks as $chunk){
            echo '<p class="success">'.$chunk->getNameWithExtension().' has been uploaded successfully</p>';

if uploaded file has any errors or it cant be uploaded , the "upload" method throws an exception, so it's better to call this method in a try catch block.

        $uploadManager=new \UploadManager\Upload('media');
            foreach($chunks as $chunk){
                echo '<p class="success">'.$chunk->getNameWithExtension().' has been uploaded successfully</p>';
}catch(\UploadManager\Exceptions\Upload $exception){
    //if file exists: (user selects a file)
        foreach($exception->getChunk()->getErrors() as $error){
            echo '<p class="error">'.$error.'</p>';
        echo '<p class="error">'.$exception->getMessage().'</p>';

Each file (or chunk) related errors can be retrieved by "getErrors" method as an array.


We can validate files (or chunks) before storing them.

a simple validation example is in "examples/using-validations" directory

Available validations :

  1. Extension
  2. MimeType
  3. Size


//add validations
    new \UploadManager\Validations\Size('2M'), //maximum file size is 2M
    new \UploadManager\Validations\Extension(['jpg','jpeg','png','gif']),

as you see, we can use "addValidations" method to add an array of validations.

you can use either available validations or creating a custom validation by implementing "UploadManager\Contracts\ValidationInterface" interface.


Here we have the below callbacks:

  1. beforeValidate

  2. afterValidate

  3. beforeUpload

  4. afterUpload

Callbacks can be used to control the flow of uploading mechanism.


Here we remove uploaded file (or chunk) if an error occurred.

Files are in the "examples/simple-callbacks" directory

//add callback : remove uploaded chunks on error
    if($chunk->hasError() && file_exists($address)){
        //remove current chunk on error

More real examples

see the "examples/js-examples" directory for more real examples.

available examples:

  • Dropzone

  • JQuery file upload

  • Plupload

  • Resumable-Chunk-Upload : the best example for resuming uploads in the future! in this example you need to create a database and import "server/medias.sql" in it , then change connection configs in "server/upload.php"



Optional requirements

  • Json ext : Used to return json messages can be used in client side.


Please read the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.


This project is actively maintained, but there is no official support channel.


Released under the MIT license.