kigkonsult / fakerlocreltypes
PHP Faker Location-, Relation-, Media-, Incident Object report types and schemaURIs
Fund package maintenance!
- php: >=7.1
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.9.1
Requires (Dev)
- phpcompatibility/php-compatibility: >=9.3.5
- phpstan/phpstan: >=0.9.3
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: >=3.5.5
PHP Faker Location-, Relation-, Media-, Incident Object report types and schemaURIs
Location types as found in rfc4589 'Location Types Registry'
- "the types of places a human or end system might be found"
Link Relation Types as found in Link Relation Types - in reference with rfc8288 Web Linking
- "...the relationships between resources on the Web ("links") and the type of those relationships"
MediaTypes (MIME-Types) as found in mediaTypes
- application, audio, font, example, image, message, model, multipart, text, video or any type
Report enumeration values defined by Incident Object Description Exchange Format (rfc7970),
- as found in
a collection of schema URIs generators
- found in List_of_URI_schemes
To use this with Faker, invoke the Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes
classes as Faker generators.
Rfc4589LocationTypes has only one generator. For details, please review rfc4589. The (static) Rfc4589LocationTypes::$locationTypes is available for 'ad Hoc' use.
<?php use Faker\Factory; use Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes\Provider\en_US\Rfc4589LocationTypes; $faker = Factory::create(); $faker->addProvider( new Rfc4589LocationTypes( $faker )); // Generator // a random rfc4589 Place Location Type $locationType = $faker->rfc4589LcationType();
Rfc8288RelationTypes has only one generator. For details, please review Link Relation Types. The (static) Rfc8288RelationTypes::$relationTypes is available for 'ad Hoc' use.
<?php use Faker\Factory; use Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes\Provider\en_US\Rfc8288RelationTypes; $faker = Factory::create(); $faker->addProvider( new Rfc8288RelationTypes( $faker )); // Generator // a random rfc8288 Web Relation Type $relationType = $faker->rc8288RelationType();
MediaTypes (MIME-types)
The mediaTypes generators areapplication
, audio
, font
, example
, image
, message
, model
, multipart
, text
, video
or any
All generator method names are suffixed by MediaType.
The generator method anyMediatyoe
returns a random mediaType.
For details, please review mediaTypes.
The (static) MediaTypes::$<mediaType>
sources are available for 'ad Hoc' use.
<?php use Faker\Factory; use Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes\Provider\MediaTypes; $faker = Factory::create(); $faker->addProvider( new MediaTypes( $faker )); // Generator // a random application mediaType $applicationType = $faker->applicationMediaType();
Rfc7970enums has 38 generator methods, all prefixed by rfc7970 : For details, please review
AddressCategory | EmailType | RecordPatternType |
BulkObservableType | ExpectationAction | RegistryHandleRegistry |
BusinessImpactSeverity | ExtensionTypeDtype | Restriction |
BusinessImpactType | HashDataScope | SoftwareReferenceSpecId |
ConfidenceRating | HistoryItemAction | SoftwareReferenceDtype |
ContactRole | IncidentPurpose | SoftwareReferenceSpecName |
ContactType | IncidentStatus | SystemCategory |
CounterDuration | IndicatorExpressionOperator | SystemImpactType |
CounterType | IntendedImpactType | SystemOwnership |
CounterUnit | KeyRegistryaction | Telephone-type |
DiscoverySource | NodeRoleCategory | TimeImpactDuration |
DomainDataDomainStatus | PostalAddressType | TimeImpactMetric |
DomainDataSystemStatus | RecordPatternOffsetunit |
<?php use Faker\Factory; use Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes\Provider\en_US\Rfc7970enums; $faker = Factory::create(); $faker->addProvider( new Rfc7970enums( $faker )); // Generator // a random rfc7970 restriction enumeration value $restriction = $faker->rfc7970Restriction();
Supporting schema URIs :
, data
, dns
*, fax
, feed
, ftp
*, imap
, http
, https
, ldap
*, ldaps
*, mid
, news
, nntp
, payto
*, pop
, sftp
*, snews
, smb
*, ssh
*, tel
*, urnUuid
, vnc
*, webcal
, xmpp
* or any
All generator method names are suffixed by Uri.
The generator method anyUri
returns a random schema URI.
*: without arg, method invoke returns simpler format output, one arg, true, expanded.
For details, please review List_of_URI_schemes.
<?php use Faker\Factory; use Kigkonsult\FakerLocRelTypes\Provider\SchemaURI; $faker = Factory::create(); $faker->addProvider( new SchemaURI( $faker )); // Generator examples // a random tel schema Uri // generate a tel schema Uri like "tel:+13859966391" $telUri = $faker->telUri(); // a random vnc (extended) schema Uri // generate a vnc schema Uri like "vnc://" $vncUri = $faker->vncUri( true );
Add the FakerLocRelTypes library to your composer.json
composer require kigkonsult/fakerlocreltypes
Donation using are appreciated. For invoice, please e-mail.
For support go to FakerLocRelTypes
This project is licensed under the LGPLv3 License