
PHP Code Generation support package

Fund package maintenance!

v1.2 2021-06-15 19:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 02:51:35 UTC


the PHP Code Generation support package
  • create PHP class / interface / trait code opt shipped with file docBlock with namespace, use, extends, implements with constuctor and factory methods with constants and properties with opt. getter(+iterator) and setter methods allow insert of (pre-produced, logic) code

  • create docBlocks in compliance with phpdoc

  • create PHP function/method frame (shell) code with arguments and closure use variables with property(/variable) set code with method return code allow insert of (pre-produced, logic) code

  • create code for single or chained function/method invoke(s)

  • create define variable property/variable/constant code with PHP primitive value, array, closure or callback

  • create code for variable/property value assign from variable/property value (scalar) fixedSourceValue ternary or null coalesce operator expression other PHP expression constant function/method invoke(s)

  • create logic code using

    • control structures
    • ternary or null coalesce operator expressions
    • try/catch-blocks
  • create code for function/method return of variable/property value (scalar) fixedSourceValue ternary or null coalesce operator expression other PHP expression constant

    • function/method invoke(s)

More info in the PcGen Summary.


The target PHP version code is, default, the current PHP version but configurable.

Using a PHP reserved name as name (ex FQCN/className) will thow an InvalidArgumentException.

You may need to readjust result output code style and indents.


Tests are executed in DISPLAY mode, to alter, update PHP const in top of phpunit.xml.
Assert PHP 7+ using PHPCompatibility and PHPStan.


For support use PcGen. Non-emergence support issues are, unless sponsored, fixed in due time.


Donation using are appreciated. For invoice, please e-mail.

composer require kigkonsult/pcgen:dev-master

Composer, in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/pcgen": "dev-master"

Otherwise , download and acquire..

namespace Kigkonsult\PcGen;
include 'pathToSource/Kigkonsult/PcGen/autoload.php';

This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License