
Cucumber Linter - Static analysis tool for Cucumber and Behat

0.1.6 2025-01-09 10:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 10:36:36 UTC


Cucumber Linter focuses on providing consistent formatting for Cucumber (.feature) files.

Getting Started

Cucumber Linter requires PHP >= 8.0 to function. The linter expects your files to have the .feature extension.


To start linting your Cucumber/Gherkin files, require Cucumebr Linter using Composer.

composer require --dev kingutch/cucumber-linter

Composer will install Cucumber Linter’s executable in its bin-dir which defaults to vendor/bin.

You can also download the latest PHAR and just use that.

Running the linter

To lint your test files, point the linter to the right file(s) or directory.

For example to lint your checkout and login Behat files:

vendor/bin/cucumber-linter tests/behat/features/capabilities/checkout tests/behat/features/capabilities/login

Rules enforced

In this initial release the linter does not provide a way to configure which rules are running or add rules, but has a hardcoded list of rules.

Current rules are aimed at writing focused and consistent tests that clearly test a single thing. Tests should go through the three stages of arrange, act, assert. In the arrange stage pre-required existing (tested elsewhere) functionality is scaffolded. In the act stage we're taking some user action that triggers business logic. In the assert state we verify that the result of the action with the business logic has the desired result.

Scenarios should be written in such a way that the different stages of a test are easily identifyable. Additionally each stage should only occur once. A repetition of a stage suggests the test may be unfocused and should be split into multiple scenarios. Keeping scenario's focused on testing a limited scope provides stakeholders with the most information when they fail and reduces the scope of work that requires debugging to find a cause.

Requires backgrounds to be non-empty

Empty backgrounds will not cause errors in test executors but they create visual noise for people reading the test and it provides unclarity over the test writer's intentions.

Requires the first step in a background to be Given

Backgrounds provide shared scaffolding so they should always be an extension of the arrange phase, hence Given.

Requires subsequent steps in a background to start with And

Backgrounds provide shared scaffolding so they should always be an extension of the arrange phase, so subsequent steps to the first one are part of the same stage denoted by And.

Requires indentation within backgrounds and scenario's to be constant

This ensures there's a consistent left indentation for the eye to jump back to when reading the test file as test.

Requires a blank line before When and Then blocks

This provides the visual separation between the different phases in a test allowing for easy scannability.

Requires the first step in a scenario to be Given

The first step in a test should be to arrange the system into a known working state, this is signaled by Given.

Requires Given, When, and Then to occur exactly once in a scenario in order

Repetition of words signalling a certain stage indicate that a scenario should probably be split up. Enforcing the Given, When, and Then order enforces the arrange, act, and assert order of the scenario.


Any contributions are welcome. Cucumber Linter's source code open to pull requests lives at kingdutch/cucumber-linter-src.