
A simple way of adding files to yepnope.js in SilverStripe

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2.0.3 2015-05-28 11:06 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-04 22:05:40 UTC


#YepnopeSilverStripe# Build Status Latest Stable Version License

A module to allow loading of Javascript & CSS using the conditional loader yepnopejs.

By: Loz Calver & Colin Richardson - Bigfork Ltd.

##About yepnope:##

"yepnope is an asynchronous conditional resource loader that's super-fast, and allows you to load only the scripts that your users need."



require: "kinglozzer/yepnopesilverstripe": "dev-master"


Simply clone or download this repository and put it in a folder called 'yepnopesilverstripe' in your SilverStripe installation folder, then run dev/build.


###Add files:### The simplest way to add a file, or multiple files, whether they're Javascript or CSS, is to use the add_files() function in your Page_Controller:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		/* Add a single file */

		/* Add an array of files */


The above example would output the following:

	load: ['themes/yourtheme/js/yourjavascript.js']
}, {
	load: ['themes/yourtheme/css/adminstyles.css', 'themes/yourtheme/css/extrauserstyles.css']

###Callbacks:### You can specify a callback function (called for each file that's loaded) and/or a complete function (called after all files have been loaded) by passing second and third arguments to the add_files() function:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		$myFiles = array(

		/* Will log 'loaded file' to console twice, once for each resource loaded */
		Yepnope::add_files($myFiles, "console.log('loaded file')");

		/* Will log 'loaded file' to console once, after both resources have been loaded */
		Yepnope::add_files($myFiles, null, "console.log('loaded file')");

		/* Will log 'loaded file' twice and 'loaded all files' once to the console */
		Yepnope::add_files($myFiles, "console.log('loaded file')", "console.log('loaded all files')");


The above example would output the following:

	load: ['themes/yourtheme/js/filea.js', 'themes/yourtheme/js/fileb.js'],
	callback: console.log('loaded file'),
	complete: console.log('loaded all files')

###Tests:### You can make use of yepnope's test functionality with the add_test() function. Arguments must be passed in the following order:

Yepnope::add_test($test, $yep=null, $nope=null, $load=null, $callback=null, $complete=null);
  • $test - The test to be evaluated
  • $yep - The file (or array of files) to be loaded if the test returns true
  • $nope - The file (or array of files) to be loaded if the test returns false
  • $load - The file (or array of files) to be loaded regardless of whether the test reuturns true or false
  • $callback - The function to be called after each resource is loaded
  • $complete - The function to be called once after all resources are loaded
  • $id - The unique identifier for the test - see below

Example test:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

			'Modernizr.geolocation',			// Test if geolocation functionality exists
			'regular-styles.css',				// If it does (test returns true), load regular style
			'geolocation-polyfill.js',			// If it doesn't (test returns false), load extra file
			'standardfunctions.js',				// Load these files regardless of test outcome
			"console.log('loaded file')",		// Call this function upon loading each resource
			"console.log('all files loaded')"	// Call this function when all files have been loaded


The above example would output the following:

	test: Modernizr.geolocation,
	yep: ['regular-styles.css'],
	nope: ['geolocation-polyfill.js'],
	load: ['standardfunctions.js'],
	callback: console.log('loaded file'),
	complete: console.log('all files loaded')

The lists of files passed to the function can be either strings, arrays or null (for example, if no extra files are needed for the 'yep' argument).

###Clear files & tests:### Both the add_files() and add_test() methods take an optional, last argument (4th and 7th arguments respectively) for a unique identifier. This identifier can then be used to remove a test on certain pages. In the example below, let's assume you have files you want to load on every page except pages with the 'ContactPage' page type:

// Page.php
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		$myFiles = array(

		Yepnope::add_files($myFiles, null, null, 'MyFiles'); // Set the id 'MyFiles'


// ContactPage.php
class ContactPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

	public function init() {

		Yepnope::clear_test('MyFiles'); // Clear the test with id 'MyFiles'


###Override test parameters:### If you specify indentifiers for your tests, you can override individual parameters on an already existing test. The following example would use the 'complete' function pageInit() on pages with the 'Page' pagetype, and contactPageInit() on pages with the 'ContactPage' pagetype.

// Page.php
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		$myFiles = array('themes/yourtheme/js/filea.js');

		Yepnope::add_files($myFiles, null, 'function() { pageInit(); }', 'default'); // Set the id 'default'


// ContactPage.php
class ContactPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

	public function init() {

		Yepnope::get_test('default')->setComplete('function() { contactPageInit(); }'); // Override 'complete' function


The list of methods that can be used when overriding test properties is as follows:

  • [get/set]ID()
  • [get/set]Test()
  • [get/set]Yep()
  • [get/set]Nope()
  • [get/set]Load()
  • [get/set]Callback()
  • [get/set]Complete()

###Resource callback labels:### Since version 1.5 of yepnope.js, keys to be used in callbacks are automatically generated from the basename of the file. If you require keys to be used in your callback functions, please use these generated keys as per the example below:

	load: ["https:/­/", "https:/­/"],
	callback: {
		"jquery.min.js": function () {
			console.log("jquery loaded!");
		"jquery-ui.min.js": function () {
			console.log("jquery-ui loaded!");

###Customise:### If you're already using yepnope or modernizr and don't need to include yepnope.js, you can remove the requirement (or set it to use a different script) with the following:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		Yepnope::set_yepnope(false) // Removes built-in requirement for yepnope.js script
		Yepnope::set_yepnope('themes/yourtheme/js/modernizr.min.js'); // Set to use a custom script


If you wish to specify a custom error timeout length (yepnope's default is 10 seconds) you can use the set_timeout() method. Note that the time is set in milliseconds:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		Yepnope::set_timeout(2000); // Sets error timeout to be 2 seconds


YepnopeSilverStripe automatically evaluates tests after Controller::init(), using the Controller->onAfterInit() extension hook. This behaviour can be disabled by calling Yepnope::set_automatically_evaluate(false);. You can then manually evaluate your Yepnope tests by calling Yepnope::eval_yepnope() with one, optional parameter for a 'customScriptID' (YepnopeSilverStripe uses Requirements::customScript()).

###Tips:### If your tests, callback functions or complete functions are quite long, then putting them in a PHP file is ugly and hard to maintain. One alternative is to store the raw javascript in a template (be sure to do a ?flush=1 after creating any templates) and load it using the following method:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {

	public function init() {

		Yepnope::add_files('themes/simple/javascript/somescript.js', $this->renderWith('MyCallback'));

} would then contain your raw Javascript (not wrapped in any HTML tags or anything).
