
Laravel log for your application

v1.2.3 2024-06-27 11:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 11:55:40 UTC


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This package provides middleware that generates HTTP request and performance logs from incoming requests.

This package also provides a Database query log to log all executed queries in your application.


composer require kitloong/laravel-app-logger


To start using HTTP request and performance logger please add the package's middleware in your app/Http/Kernel.php or routes.


No code modification needed to use the Database query log, you only need to enable it through .env.

By default, HTTP request and performance are enabled while the query log is disabled.

However, you could change each setting respectively to a different environment.

# By default


Log format

Http request log

[2021-01-10 23:35:27] local.INFO: 2725ffb10adeae3f POST /path - Body: {"test":true} - Headers: {"cookie":["Phpstorm-12345"],"accept-language":["en-GB"]} - Files: uploaded.txt

Performance log

[2021-01-10 23:35:27] local.INFO: 2725ffb10adeae3f POST /path 201 - Time: 55.82 ms - Memory: 22.12 MiB

Query log

[2021-01-10 23:35:27] local.INFO: Took: 2.45 ms mysql Sql: select * from `users` where `id` = 1

What's more

This package uses as the base for the HTTP request log, as well as the code design pattern.

It is common to receive tons of incoming requests in a real-life production application.

To ease for analysis, a unique string is embedded into HTTP request and performance log to indicate both log entries are related.

# HTTP request, unique: 2725ffb10adeae3f
[2021-01-10 23:35:25] local.INFO: 2725ffb10adeae3f GET /path - Body ...

# Performance, unique: 2725ffb10adeae3f
[2021-01-10 23:35:27] local.INFO: 2725ffb10adeae3f GET /path 200 - Time: 55.82 ms - Memory: 5.12 MiB

If you found any high memory usage or slow requests you could easily grep request log by the unique string for more information.


You could also publish the config file to change more configuration or even use your own implementation:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KitLoong\AppLogger\AppLoggerServiceProvider" --tag=config

You could check the content of the config file here.

Config: Logging channel

By default, Laravel App Logger writes logs into your default logging channel.

However, you may implement a new logging channel in Laravel config/logging.php, and overwrite the channel in the published config file.

An example is written for a better explanation.

In Laravel config/logging.php:

'channels' => [
    'request' => [
        'driver' => 'daily',
        'path' => storage_path('logs/request.log'),
        'level' => 'debug',
        'days' => 14,
    'performance' => [
        'driver' => 'daily',
        'path' => storage_path('logs/performance.log'),
        'level' => 'debug',
        'days' => 14,
    'query' => [
        'driver' => 'daily',
        'path' => storage_path('logs/query.log'),
        'level' => 'debug',
        'days' => 14,

In config/app-logger.php:

'http' => [
    'channel' => 'request'
'performance' => [
    'channel' => 'performance'
'query' => [
    'channel' => 'query'

Config: Implement own logger

You could even write your own logger implementation and overwrite it in the config file.

Here is the code snippet of HTTP request:

 * The log profile which determines whether a request should be logged.
 * It should implement `HttpLogProfile`.
'log_profile' => \KitLoong\AppLogger\HttpLog\LogProfile::class,

 * The log writer used to write the request to a log.
 * It should implement `HttpLogWriter`.
'log_writer' => \KitLoong\AppLogger\HttpLog\LogWriter::class,

You could find a similar configuration in the performance and query section.

When you write your own log_profile, you must implement each loggers' own LogProfile interface.

The interface requires shouldLog implementation. This is where you place your log condition.

When you write your own log_writer, you must implement each loggers' own LogWriter interface.

The interface requires log implementation. This is where you define your log body message.


The Laravel Application Logger is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license