
Symfony2 Bundle to add Hateoas compliant urls to JMS Serializer

0.1.1 2014-01-30 06:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 14:49:00 UTC


While this works as a simple, drop in bundle for Symfony, you can find a much more full featured library and bundle here:


The Hateoas Bundle works with JMS Serializer to allow you to easily add Hateoas compliant resource urls to the JSON output of your REST Api.

There are other similar bundles, but they seemed heavy for my needs. This bundle was designed to work seamlessly with JMS Serializer, with out needing to abstract or obfuscate the serialization of your data.

Currently this bundle only provides Annotations for Resource Linking in your Serialized response.

###Hateoas Bundle Installation

The best method of installation is through the use of composer.

#####Add the bundle to Composer

"require": {
    "kmfk/hateoas-bundle": "~0.1",

#####Update AppKernel.php

Add The Hateoas Bundle to your kernel bootstrap sequence

public function registerBundles()
	$bundles = array(
    	// ...
    	new Kmfk\Bundle\HateoasBundle\HateoasBundle(),

    return $bundles;

####Configure the Bundle

The bundle allows you to configure the Rest API host and an optional Path prefix. Your links will be built using these values. If they are not set, the bundle will default to parsing this from the current request.


	prefix: /api/


Once configured, you can use the Annotations provided by this bundle to easily add resource links to your classes and properties.


use Kmfk/Bundle/HateoasBundle/Annotation/Hateoas;

 * @Hateoas(
 *      name    ="self",
 *      href    ="/user/{id}/"
 *      params  ={"id" = "getId"},
 *      groups  ={"list"},
 *      type    ="absolute"
 *  )
class UserEntity
    protected $id;

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;


    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""

###Annotation Reference

####Using Params You can have multiple tokens in the href. The params array should be an associative array with keys matching the tokens in the path. Methods listed should be methods that exist in the annotated class.

####Groups Specifying groups allow you to control the output of the links based on Exclusion Groups

####Embedded vs Absolute Links While absolute (default value), will allows include the API Host and optional prefix, embedded urls live beneath another resource. Setting type to 'embedded will allow you to have links like:

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""