
Dependency Injection Plugin for Yii 1

0.5.0 2024-06-09 00:30 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-09 06:44:02 UTC


Dependency Injection Container Plugin for Yii 1

This plugin adds the ability to configure object instances and their dependencies before they are used, and to store them into a container class to easy access.

It uses the clean and flexible Ray.Di DI framework which is a PHP dependency injection framework in the style of "Google Guice".

Ray.Di also allows you to program using AOP, that is, decorating the configured instances so some logic can be run before or after any of their methods.


Bootstrap file

Use composer autoloader instead of Yii autoloader.

// composer autoloader
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
spl_autoload_unregister([YiiBase::class, 'autoload']);

// set context module

// run the application

Binding module

Modules are classes that describe how instances and their dependencies should be constructed, they provide a natural way of grouping configurations. An example module looks like this:


namespace Koriym\Dii\Module;

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Vendor\Hello\BarInterceptor;
use Vendor\Hello\Foo;
use Vendor\Hello\FooInterface;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()


You can make the necessary bindings depending on the context. The context class specifies which module to bind in.

use Koriym\Dii\Module\AppModule;
use Koriym\Dii\ModuleProvider;
use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;

class App implements ModuleProvider
    public function __invoke() : AbstractModule
        return new AppModule();

In this example we have overridden the binding of AppModule with TestModule.

class Test implements ModuleProvider
    public function __invoke() : AbstractModule
        // override AppModule with TestModule
        return new TestModule(new AppModule());

Injecting Dependencies in Controllers

Ray.Di is able to inject instances to your controllers based on annotations:


use Koriym\Dii\Injectable;
use Ray\Di\Di\Inject;
use Vendor\Hello\FooInterface;

class SiteController extends CController implements Injectable
    private $foo;

     * @Inject
    public function setDeps(FooInterface $foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

    public function actionIndex()
        echo 'Hello World' . $this->foo->get();

As soon as the controller is created, all methods having the @Inject annotation will get instances of the hinted class passed. This works only for setter method, not constructors. Please implemet marker interface Injectable to notify Ray.Di the class injectable.

Also any class created by Yii:createComponent() method is worked as well.


cd demo
composer install
composer serve