
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Integrates DoctrineStateMachineBehavior in Symfony2.

Installs: 217 514

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 48

Watchers: 3

Forks: 19

Open Issues: 7


1.1.3 2016-08-17 08:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:27:45 UTC


Doctrine2 behavior adding a finite state machine in your entities.

The state machine implementation used is Finite.


This project is DEPRECATED and should NOT be used.

If someone magically appears and wants to maintain this project, I'll gladly give access to this repository.


In your app/config/config.yml file, define your state machines:

    auto_injection:     true    # should we automatically inject state machines into hydrated objects?
    auto_validation:    true    # should we validate any status change before the persistence happens?

            class:      \Acme\FooBundle\Entity\Article
            property:   state
                new:        {type: initial}
                reviewed:   ~
                accepted:   ~
                published:  {type: final, properties: {printable: true}}
                rejected:   {type: final}
                review:     {from: [new], to: reviewed}
                accept:     {from: [reviewed], to: accepted}
                publish:    {from: [accepted], to: published}
                reject:     {from: [new, reviewed, accepted, published], to: rejected}

The state machines configuration is pretty straightforward. In addition to the states and transitions, you just have to define the entity class and the column used to store the state.

Important: the entity has to implement the Stateful interface.

To ease the implementation, you can use the StatefulTrait that comes bundled with the behavior.


Stateful entities have access to their own state machine. See Finite's documentation for more details about it.

The Article entity below is ready to be used as a Stateful entity.


namespace Acme\FooBundle\Entity;

use KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBehavior\Entity\Stateful;
use KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBehavior\Entity\StatefulTrait;

class Article implements Stateful
    use StatefulTrait;

     * define your fields here

     * @var string
    protected $state = 'new';

     * Set state
     * @param  string  $state
     * @return Article
    public function setState($state)
        $this->state = $state;

        return $this;

     * Get state
     * @return string
    public function getState()
        return $this->state;

     * Sets the object state.
     * Used by the StateMachine behavior
     * @return string
    public function getFiniteState()
        return $this->getState();

     * Sets the object state.
     * Used by the StateMachine behavior
     * @param string $state
    public function setFiniteState($state)
        return $this->setState($state);

Entities using the StatefulTrait see the setStateMachine() and getStateMachine() methods implemented and gain access to the following methods:

  • can($transition): indicating if the given transition is allowed ;
  • and a few magic methods, based on the transition allowed by the state-machine:
    • {TransitionName}(): apply the transition {TransitionName} (ie: accept(), reject(), etc) ;
    • can{TransitionName}(): test if the transition {TransitionName} can be applied (ie: canAccept(), canReject(), etc).
    • is{StateName}(): test if the current state is {StatusName} (ie: isAccepted(), isRejected(), etc).

$article = new Article();




Lifecyle callbacks

If you use the event-aware state-machine (which is the default one used by the bundle), the extension provides a listener implementing "lifecyle callbacks" for stateful entities.

For each available transition, three methods can be executed:

  • pre{TransitionName}(): called before the transition {TransitionName} is applied ;
  • post{TransitionName}(): called after the transition {TransitionName} is applied ;
  • can{TransitionName}(): called when the state-machine tests if the transition {TransitionName} can be applied.

namespace Acme\FooBundle\Entity;

use KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBehavior\Entity\Stateful;
use KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBehavior\Entity\StatefulTrait;

class Article implements Stateful
    // previous code

    public function preAccept()
        // your logic here

    public function postAccept()
        // your logic here

    public function onCanAccept()
        // your logic here

Using a service

You can put the state logic outside of the entity using a listener on Finite events. The extension provides an abstract EventSubcriber with the same methods as the "lifecyle callbacks" listener.

You need to declare a service and extend the AbstractSubcriber.

        class: Acme\FooBundle\Workflow\ArticleSubscriber
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }

namespace Acme\FooBundle\Workflow;

use KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBundle\Listener\AbstractSubscriber;

class ArticleSubscriber extends AbstractSubscriber
    public function supportsObject($object)
        return $object instanceof \Acme\FooBundle\Entity\Article;

    public function preAccept()
        // your logic here

    public function postAccept()
        // your logic here

    public function canAccept()
        // your logic here


The bundle also exposes a few Twig helpers:

{# your template ... #}

{% if article|can('reject') %}
    <a class="btn btn-danger" href="{{ path('article_delete', article) }}">
        <i class="icon-trash"></i>
        {{ 'link_reject'|trans }}
{% endif %}

{# this is strictly equivalent #}
{% if can(article, 'reject') %}
    <a class="btn btn-danger" href="{{ path('article_delete', article) }}">
        <i class="icon-trash"></i>
        {{ 'link_reject'|trans }}
{% endif %}

{% if current_state(article).isFinal %}
{% endif %}

{% if article|is_status('rejected') %}
{% endif %}

{# this is strictly equivalent #}
{% if is_status(article, 'rejected') %}
{% endif %}

{% if article|has_property('printable') %}
    {{ article|property('printable') ? 'I can print' : 'I CANNOT print' }}
{% endif %}

{# this is strictly equivalent #}
{% if has_property(article, 'printable') %}
    {{ property(article, 'printable') ? 'I can print' : 'I CANNOT print' }}
{% endif %}


Install the behavior adding kphoen/doctrine-state-machine-bundle to your composer.json or from CLI:

composer require kphoen/doctrine-state-machine-bundle

Than register the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php file:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new KPhoen\DoctrineStateMachineBundle\KPhoenDoctrineStateMachineBundle(),
        // ...


This bundle is released under the MIT license.