
Block library for WordPress.

Installs: 5 444

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 17



1.9.4 2024-04-22 15:04 UTC


A block library for WordPress theme.


composer require kunoichi/block-library


First, load autoloader in your theme's functions.php.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

2nd, enable block library.


Choose Blocks

If you want select blocks to be enabled, explicitly delcare the class names.

Kunoichi\BlockLibrary::enable( [
] );

Available block classes are located in src/Kunoichi/BlockLibrary/Blocks.

Or else, you can exclude unwanted blocks with 2nd parameter.

// 1st param is inclusive, 2nd param is exclusive.
Kunoichi\BlockLibrary::enable( [], [
] );

How blocks Work

All blocks are registered via PHP Class and JavaScripts corresponding, thus 1 block has at least 1 php file and 1 js file.

PHP files are located at src/Kunoichi/BlockLibrary/Blocks, JavaScript files are also located at assts/js/blocks;

Registered Blocks

18 blocks are available.

Alert kunoichi/alert

Styled alert blocks.

Speech Bubble kunoichi/bubble

Speech bubble with avatar.

Link Card kunoichi/card

Card style link.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/cards

Cards kunoichi/cards

Display card style links. Helpful as category link list and so on.

Clipboard kunoichi/clipboard

Clipboard button for copying text.

Call To Action kunoichi/cta

Display UI parts to invoke user's action.
Dynamic Block: see CallToAction

Term kunoichi/dt

Definition Term.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/definition-list

Description kunoichi/dd

Definition Description.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/definition-list

Definition List kunoichi/definition-list

Definition list.

Internal Link kunoichi/internal-link

Same as Oembed link block, but this link is referred as post ID.
Dynamic Block: see InternalLink

Offer List kunoichi/offer-list

Display offer list of products with price, links, and spec.

Offer Content kunoichi/offer-content

Title, price, and specs of an offer.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/offer

Offer Action kunoichi/offer-action

Action link for offer block.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/offer

Offer kunoichi/offer

Product offer with price, link, and spec. Helpful for promoting external products.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/offer-list

Panel kunoichi/panel

Panel block for emphasized and separated contents.

Post List kunoichi/posts

Display post list in various format.
Dynamic Block: see PostList

Price Table kunoichi/price-table

Display price table. Insert 3 or 4 items.

Price Item kunoichi/price

Price item in price tables.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/price-table

Section kunoichi/section

Enhanced group block which supports background.

Step kunoichi/step

Step Block
Parents: available only in kunoichi/steps

How-to kunoichi/steps

Step by step how-tos. Ready for JSON-LD.

Testimonials kunoichi/testimonials

Display testimonials list.
Dynamic Block: see Testimonials

Tile kunoichi/tile

Tile item in tiled grid.
Parents: available only in kunoichi/tiled-grid

Tiled Grid kunoichi/tiled-grid

Grid style layout of panel items. Ready for text & background colors.

Toc kunoichi/toc

Display TOC extracted from Heading tags in post content.


You can enable widgets in the same way as blocks.


This method also has $includes and $excludes params.


This library is not plugin, so it does no effect by itself. Please make a empty theme and load from it.

Build Assets

This library build assets with npm.

# Install npm.
npm install
# Build assets.
npm run package
# Watch changes.
npm run watch


This library is licensed under GPL 3.0 and later.

© 2019 Kunoichi INC.