
A PHP library for WordPress theme to recommend plugins.

1.0.0 2022-12-06 07:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 11:04:21 UTC


WordPress theme add-on to recommend plugins.

How to Use

In your theme, install via composer.

composer require kunoichi/plugin-recommender

Then, include autoload.php in your functions.php.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Now you can refer to class Kunoichi\PluginRecommender.

Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::bulk_add( [
    slug        => 'jetpack',
    description => __( 'Because automattic recommends this plugin.', 'domain' ),
    slug     => 'contact-form-7',
    priority => 100,
] );


Here's a list of properties that you can set for each plugin.


Required. This should be the same as WordPress.org.


Optional. The default is wp. If you provide some extra repository, set its name. Of course, you need an extra filter plugin_recommender_information for it to work properly.


Optional. Recommended plugins ordered in descent. Over 90 means "required", over 50 means "integrated", and others are simply recommended.


Optional. If this recommendation requires some explanation to recognize its efficiency, just write.


Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::bulk_add( $settings )

Bulk load settings. Pass array of settings.

Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::add( $setting )

Add a single plugin to recommend list.

Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::load( $json_file_path )

JSON file, which represents $settings is also available. But JSON is not translation-ready.


Just put recommendations.json in your theme directory.

Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::set_title( $string )
Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::set_menu_title( $string )
Kunoichi\PluginRecommender::set_description( $string )

Change the page title, menu title, and description.


GPL 3.0 or later.