
The Kunstmaan Anomy Bundle provides a symfony command to use a mysql dump and anonymize it wiht Faker.

1.0.1 2018-08-03 11:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:27:54 UTC


The Kunstmaan Anomy Bundle provides a symfony command to use a mysql dump and anonymize it wiht Faker.

Enabling the bundle

Add to Appkernel.php

Configure the bundle in your config.yml file.

Configuration reference:

The following parameters need to be provided. The database_user should be a mysql user that can create databases.

  config_file: /home/projects/foo//anon.yml
  backup_dir: /home/projects/foo/backup
  database_user: 'root'
  database_password: 'root'

anon.yml file in your project

The entities array contains all tables and the columns which you would like to fake. Methods can be found at https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker.

The locale will be used to do some extra stuff with faker locale based like a BTW number.

guesser_version: 1.0.0b
locale: nl_BE
            username: { method: safeEmail }
            username_canonical: { method: safeEmail }
            email: { method: safeEmail }
            email_canonical: { method: safeEmail } 


php bin/console kuma:anonymize:database

If you add -v, you can see more information being dumpted to the screen.


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