kzykhys / bowl
Yet another dependency injection container for PHP5.4
2013-11-19 10:09 UTC
- php: >=5.4
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 03:31:08 UTC
- Manage multiple environment (production/development/test ...)
- Manage dependencies between objects
- Perform a Lazy instantiation
- Perform a Factory pattern
- No external files to configure dependencies
- You can avoid Singleton/Factory pattern from your classes
- PHP5.4+
Create or update your composer.json and run composer update
{ "require": { "kzykhys/bowl": "1.0" } }
Define parameters
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl['lang'] = 'en'; $bowl['debug'] = true;
Define a shared service
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('service_name', function () { return new stdClass(); }); var_dump($bowl->get('service_name') === $bowl->get('service_name')); // bool(true)
Define a factory service
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->factory('service_name', function () { return new stdClass(); }); var_dump($bowl->get('service_name') === $bowl->get('service_name')); // bool(false)
Define a service depending on other services
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('driver.mysql', function () { return new MysqlDriver(); }); $bowl->share('connection', function () { $c = new Connection(); $c->setDriver($this->get('driver.mysql')); return $c; });
Using tags to manage a collection of services
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('form.type.text', function () { return new TextType(); }, ['form.type']); $bowl->share('', function () { return new EmailType(); }, ['form.type']); $bowl->share('form', function () { $form = new Form(); foreach ($this->getTaggedServices('form.type') as $service) { $form->addType($service); } return $form; });
Working with environment flag
use Bowl\Bowl; $bowl = new Bowl(); // Common parameters $bowl['lang'] = 'en'; // Production configuration $bowl->configure('production', function (Bowl $bowl) { $bowl['debug'] = false; $bowl->share('orm.repository', function () { return new EntityRepository(); }); }); // Development configuration $bowl->configure('development', function (Bowl $bowl) { $bowl['debug'] = true; $bowl->share('orm.repository', function () { return new MockRepository(); }); }); // Common services $bowl->share('orm.manager', function () { return new OrmManager($this->get('orm.repository')); }); $bowl->share('fixture.loader', function () { return new Loader($this->get('orm.manager'), $this['debug']); }); // Set enviroment manually $bowl->env('production'); // Or using system's environment variable $bowl->env(getenv('APP_ENV') ? getenv('APP_ENV') : 'production');
Real life example
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); // Set a parameter $bowl['debug'] = false; // Shared service $bowl->share('ciconia.renderer', function () { return new \Ciconia\Renderer\HtmlRenderer(); }); // Tagged service $bowl->share('ciconia.extension.table', function () { return new \Ciconia\Extension\Gfm\TableExtension(); }, ['ciconia.extension']); // This example shows how to manage services using tags $bowl->share('ciconia', function () { $ciconia = new \Ciconia\Ciconia(); // $bowl is bind to this closure, so you can access $this as Bowl. if ($this['debug']) { $ciconia = new \Ciconia\Diagnose\Ciconia(); } // Resolve dependencies $ciconia->setRenderer($this->get('ciconia.renderer')); // All services tagged as "ciconia.extension" foreach ($this->getTaggedServices('ciconia.extension') as $extension) { $ciconia->addExtension($extension); } return $ciconia; }); // Get the object $ciconia = $bowl->get('ciconia'); echo $ciconia->render('Markdown is *awesome*'); // Create a new instance even if this is a shared object $ciconia = $bowl->reset('ciconia')->get('ciconia'); echo $ciconia->render('Markdown is *awesome*');
Manage environment
configure(string $environment, \Closure $closure)
You can configure Bowl based on environment flags such as production and development.
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->configure('prod', function (\Bowl\Bowl $bowl) { $bowl['debug'] = false; });
env(string $environment)
You have to call env()
to apply one of environments.
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->configure('prod', function (\Bowl\Bowl $bowl) { $bowl['debug'] = false; }); $bowl->env('prod');
Service container
share(string $name, \Closure $closure, [array $tags])
Register a shared service
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('logger', function () { return new Logger(); }); $bowl->get('logger')->log($message);
factory(string $name, \Closure $closure, [array $tags])
Register a factory service
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('', function () { return new \DateTime('now'); }); $bowl->get('')->format('r');
extend(string $name, \Closure $closure)
Extend a service definition
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('logger', function () { return new Logger(); }); $bowl->extend('logger', function (LoggerInterface $logger) { $logger->setPath(__DIR__.'/../app/logs'); return $logger; }); $bowl->get('logger')->log($message);
get(string $name)
Get an object
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl['debug'] = true; $bowl->factory('filesystem', function () { return new Filesystem(); }); $bowl->share('logger', function () { if ($this['debug']) { return new ConsoleLogger(); } else { return new FilesystemLogger($this->get('filesystem')); } }); $logger = $bowl->get('logger');
getTaggedServices(string $name)
Get services having a tag
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('transport.smtp', function () { return new SmtpTransport(); }, ['email.transport']); $bowl->share('transport.sendmail', function () { return new SendmailTransport(); }, ['email.transport']); $bowl->share('mailer', function () { $mailer = new Mailer(); foreach ($this->getTaggedServices('email.transport') as $service) { $mailer->addTransport($service); } return $mailer; }); $bowl->get('mailer')->send($mimeMessage);
reset(string $name)
Re-instantiate the object, even if the service is shared object.
This is unsafe operation
$bowl = new \Bowl\Bowl(); $bowl->share('registry', function () { return new Registry(); }); try { $bowl->get('registry')->getManager()->flush(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $bowl->reset('registry'); }
Feel free to fork and send a pull request.
The MIT License
Kazuyuki Hayashi (@kzykhys)