
Generic admin bundle for Symfony2 from L'arrière-guichet

Installs: 5 892

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 9

Watchers: 3

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 30


v1.1-RC2 2020-10-22 19:34 UTC


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The AdminBundle helps you to create flexible and robust administration application.

It provides PHP attributes or yaml configuration to build views to show, create; update and delete resources. It comes with a native Doctrine ORM integration, and can also be used with any architecture.

The AdminBundle is highly customizable using configuration or with events to allow you tu build dynamic administration interfaces.


  • Easy to use PHP attributes or yaml configuration
  • Highly customizable
  • Doctrine ORM integration
  • Views with pagination, sorting and filtering
  • Dynamic menus
  • Bootstrap 5 integration

Install the Bundle

composer require lag/adminbundle

If you do not use Symfony Flex, follow those extra steps.

Step 1: Install the Bundle

Open a command console, execute the following command in your project directory to install the latest stable version of the bundle:

composer require lag/adminbundle

If you do not use flex, read the extra steps to install the bundle

Step 2: Configure the routing

Import the routing configuration to have the admin generated routes :

    # config/routes.yaml        
        resource: '@LAGAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.yaml'
        prefix: /admin

Step 3 : Configure an entity

# config/packages/lag_admin.yaml
        title: My Little TaunTaun application       
# config/admin/resources/article.yaml
    entity: App\Entity\Article 
        create: ~
        edit: ~
        list: ~
        delete: ~

As new routes are dynamically created, the cache clearing is required (symfony cache:clear)

Now you could visit to see a list of your entities.

Yan can visit to see the homepage of your admin interface


  1. How to use
  2. Customization
    • a. Custom actions
    • b. Custom render
    • c. Custom data
    • d. Custom routes and urls
  3. Reference
    • a. Application configuration
    • b. Admin configuration
  4. FAQ
  5. Configuration reference


To run the admin test suite, run the following :

make tests

Road map


  • Add dynamic id column (instead of required "id" column) to improve generic and handle multiple ids columns


  • Add more testing


Version 0.4 :

  • Dynamic CRUD for your entities (no code generation)
  • Simple configuration in yml (look alike symfony1 generators.yml syntax)
  • List with pagination, sorting and batch remove (filters are coming)
  • Full translated
  • Main and left menu integration
  • Fully customizable (use your own controllers, data providers or templates)
  • Bootstrap 3 integration (can be disabled or override)