Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Laravel extension for Behat
1 214 752 262
Commands and domain events in Laravel
315 999 286
Laravel Cypress Boilerplate
2 281 591 620
Easy flash notifications
13 215 169 2 740
Advanced Laravel generators, that include schema information.
5 814 669 2 495
A template kit for Laracasts projects.
8 1
Simple, intuitive integration testing with PHPUnit.
205 812 480
The default Laracasts Laravel preset.
34 19
Russian Doll Caching for Laravel.
60 171 240
Simple view presenters
2 806 831 884
Easy test stubs
1 391 594 467
Load and parse VTT files.
4 236 60
Transform your PHP to JavaScript
8 370 150 2 243
Easy validation for Laravel applications.
185 854 160