
Laravel 5 service provider on steroids. Lots of extras.

1.0.0 2017-05-27 23:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:26:20 UTC



A general support package for the Laravel 5 framework. Laradic Support provides flexible and reusable components of code for commonly used functionality as well as the means to customize the default Laravel 5 folder structure.

The package follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code.

Quick Installation

Begin by installing the package through Composer.

composer require laradic/service-provider=~1.0


The full documentation can be found here

Quick overview

The code you write in your Service Providers is often very repetative and feels like you've already done so a hundreth times.

Laradic ServiceProvider might just be the thing you where looking for. It's a modular, configurable and very extendable way of creating providers. I think some examples might better explain it.


Resources Example

A comparison of handling resources.

The "default" way Use predefined methods inside your register and/or boot directory to hook up to the vendor:publish command.

class MyServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider {
    public function boot(){
        // config: blade-extensions
        $publishPath = function_exists('config_path') ? config_path('blade_extensions.php') : base_path('config/blade_extensions.php');
        $this->publishes([ __DIR__ . '/../config/blade_extensions.php' => $publishPath ], 'config');
        // views: blade-ext
        $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../resources/views', 'blade-ext');
        $this->publishes([ __DIR__ . '/../resources/views' => resource_path('views/vendor/blade-ext') ], 'views');
        // migrations
        // translations
        $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../resources/trans', 'blade-ext');
        $this->publishes([__DIR__.'/../resources/trans' => resource_path('lang/vendor/blade-ext') ]);
        // assets
        $this->publishes([ __DIR__.'/../resources/assets' => public_path('vendor/blade-ext')], 'public');

    public function register(){
        $this->mergeConfigFrom(__DIR__ . '/../config/blade_extensions.php', 'blade_extensions');

The "Laradic" way Override properties to define key values.

class MyServiceProvider extends \Laradic\ServiceProvider\ServiceProvider {
    protected $configFiles = ['blade_extensions'];
    protected $viewDirs = ['views' => 'blade-ext'];
    protected $migrationDirs = ['migrations'];
    protected $translationDirs = ['trans' => 'blade-ext'];
    protected $assetDirs = ['assets' => 'blade-ext'];

Of course, it's entirely possible to re-configure paths as well. You don't have to stick to the default directory structure. But that's beyond the scope of this example and can be found in the documentation.

Bindings and Commands Example

The "default" way

The "Laradic" way Override properties to define key values.

class MyServiceProvider extends \Laradic\ServiceProvider\ServiceProvider {
    // Will look for all commands inside the 'Console' directory relative to this service provider
    protected $findCommands = ['Console']; 


class MyServiceProvider extends \Laradic\ServiceProvider\ServiceProvider {
    // Register by FQN
    protected $commands = [Console\MyCommand::class]; 
    // or by custom binding name  
    protected $commands = ['' => Console\MyCommand::class];  

Again, more variations and options exist which are beyond the scope of this example. Go read the documentation

Register and Boot

The ServiceProvider does not override existing functionality. Its entirely possible to let it ignore all the xtra stuff. If you want to use the register and boot methods while