
OAuth 1.0 Client Library

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Open Issues: 13

v1.10.1 2022-04-15 14:02 UTC


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OAuth 1 Client is an OAuth RFC 5849 standards-compliant library for authenticating against OAuth 1 servers.

It has built in support for:

  • Bitbucket
  • Magento
  • Trello
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Uservoice
  • Xing

Adding support for other providers is trivial. The library requires PHP 7.1+ and is PSR-2 compatible.

Third-Party Providers

If you would like to support other providers, please make them available as a Composer package, then link to them below.

These providers allow integration with other providers not supported by oauth1-client. They may require an older version so please help them out with a pull request if you notice this.

Terminology (as per the RFC 5849 specification):

    An HTTP client (per [RFC2616]) capable of making OAuth-
    authenticated requests (Section 3).

    An HTTP server (per [RFC2616]) capable of accepting OAuth-
    authenticated requests (Section 3).

protected resource
    An access-restricted resource that can be obtained from the
    server using an OAuth-authenticated request (Section 3).

resource owner
    An entity capable of accessing and controlling protected
    resources by using credentials to authenticate with the server.

    Credentials are a pair of a unique identifier and a matching
    shared secret.  OAuth defines three classes of credentials:
    client, temporary, and token, used to identify and authenticate
    the client making the request, the authorization request, and
    the access grant, respectively.

    A unique identifier issued by the server and used by the client
    to associate authenticated requests with the resource owner
    whose authorization is requested or has been obtained by the
    client.  Tokens have a matching shared-secret that is used by
    the client to establish its ownership of the token, and its
    authority to represent the resource owner.

The original community specification used a somewhat different
terminology that maps to this specifications as follows (original
community terms provided on left):

Consumer:  client

Service Provider:  server

User:  resource owner

Consumer Key and Secret:  client credentials

Request Token and Secret:  temporary credentials

Access Token and Secret:  token credentials


Via Composer

$ composer require league/oauth1-client



$server = new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Bitbucket([
    'identifier' => 'your-identifier',
    'secret' => 'your-secret',
    'callback_uri' => "http://your-callback-uri/",


$server =  new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Trello([
    'identifier' => 'your-identifier',
    'secret' => 'your-secret',
    'callback_uri' => 'http://your-callback-uri/',
    'name' => 'your-application-name', // optional, defaults to null
    'expiration' => 'your-application-expiration', // optional ('never', '1day', '2days'), defaults to '1day'
    'scope' => 'your-application-scope' // optional ('read', 'read,write'), defaults to 'read'


$server = new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Tumblr([
    'identifier' => 'your-identifier',
    'secret' => 'your-secret',
    'callback_uri' => "http://your-callback-uri/",


$server = new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Twitter([
    'identifier' => 'your-identifier',
    'secret' => 'your-secret',
    'callback_uri' => "http://your-callback-uri/",
    'scope' => 'your-application-scope' // optional ('read', 'write'), empty by default


$server = new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Xing([
    'identifier' => 'your-consumer-key',
    'secret' => 'your-consumer-secret',
    'callback_uri' => "http://your-callback-uri/",

Showing a Login Button

To begin, it's advisable that you include a login button on your website. Most servers (Twitter, Tumblr etc) have resources available for making buttons that are familiar to users. Some servers actually require you use their buttons as part of their terms.

<a href="authenticate.php">Login With Twitter</a>

Retrieving Temporary Credentials

The first step to authenticating with OAuth 1 is to retrieve temporary credentials. These have been referred to as request tokens in earlier versions of OAuth 1.

To do this, we'll retrieve and store temporary credentials in the session, and redirect the user to the server:

// Retrieve temporary credentials
$temporaryCredentials = $server->getTemporaryCredentials();

// Store credentials in the session, we'll need them later
$_SESSION['temporary_credentials'] = serialize($temporaryCredentials);

// Second part of OAuth 1.0 authentication is to redirect the
// resource owner to the login screen on the server.

The user will be redirected to the familiar login screen on the server, where they will login to their account and authorise your app to access their data.

Retrieving Token Credentials

Once the user has authenticated (or denied) your application, they will be redirected to the callback_uri which you specified when creating the server.

Note, some servers (such as Twitter) require that the callback URI you specify when authenticating matches what you registered with their app. This is to stop a potential third party impersonating you. This is actually part of the protocol however some servers choose to ignore this.

Because of this, we actually require you specify a callback URI for all servers, regardless of whether the server requires it or not. This is good practice.

You'll need to handle when the user is redirected back. This will involve retrieving token credentials, which you may then use to make calls to the server on behalf of the user. These have been referred to as access tokens in earlier versions of OAuth 1.

if (isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && isset($_GET['oauth_verifier'])) {
    // Retrieve the temporary credentials we saved before
    $temporaryCredentials = unserialize($_SESSION['temporary_credentials']);

    // We will now retrieve token credentials from the server
    $tokenCredentials = $server->getTokenCredentials($temporaryCredentials, $_GET['oauth_token'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);

Now, you may choose to do what you need with the token credentials. You may store them in a database, in the session, or use them as one-off and then forget about them.

All credentials, (client credentials, temporary credentials and token credentials) all implement League\OAuth1\Client\Credentials\CredentialsInterface and have two sets of setters and getters exposed:


In earlier versions of OAuth 1, the token credentials identifier and token credentials secret were referred to as access token and access token secret. Don't be scared by the new terminology here - they are the same. This package is using the exact terminology in the RFC 5849 OAuth 1 standard.

Twitter will send back an error message in the denied query string parameter, allowing you to provide feedback. Some servers do not send back an error message, but rather do not provide the successful oauth_token and oauth_verifier parameters.

Accessing User Information

Now you have token credentials stored somewhere, you may use them to make calls against the server, as an authenticated user.

While this package is not intended to be a wrapper for every server's API, it does include basic methods that you may use to retrieve limited information. An example of where this may be useful is if you are using social logins, you only need limited information to confirm who the user is.

The four exposed methods are:

// User is an instance of League\OAuth1\Client\Server\User
$user = $server->getUserDetails($tokenCredentials);

// UID is a string / integer unique representation of the user
$uid = $server->getUserUid($tokenCredentials);

// Email is either a string or null (as some providers do not supply this data)
$email = $server->getUserEmail($tokenCredentials);

// Screen name is also known as a username (Twitter handle etc)
$screenName = $server->getUserScreenName($tokenCredentials);

League\OAuth1\Client\Server\User exposes a number of default public properties and also stores any additional data in an extra array - $user->extra. You may also iterate over a user's properties as if it was an array, foreach ($user as $key => $value).


Examples may be found under the resources/examples directory, which take the usage instructions here and go into a bit more depth. They are working examples that would only you substitute in your client credentials to have working.


$ phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.