
Massively enhanced Company-based Scoring

v1.0.0 2024-07-10 09:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 16:07:02 UTC



This plugin brings massively enhanced Company-based Scoring to Mautic, including events triggered by those Points.

It is part of the "ABM" suite of plugins that extends Mautic capabilities for working with Companies.


  • Mautic 5.x (minimum 5.1)
  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Company Tags and Company Segments Plugins



This plugin can be installed through composer.

Manual install

Alternatively, it can be installed manually, following the usual steps:

  • Download the plugin
  • Unzip to the Mautic plugins directory
  • Rename folder to LeuchtfeuerCompanyPointsBundle
  • In the Mautic backend, go to the Plugins page as an administrator
  • Click on the Install/Upgrade Plugins button to install the Plugin.


  • If you have shell access, execute php bin\console cache:clear and php bin\console mautic:plugins:reload to install the plugins.

Plugin Activation and Configuration

  1. Go to Plugins page
  2. Click on the Company Points plugin
  3. ENABLE the plugin


The plugin brings a new menu item Companies -> Company Point Triggers. Here you can define what point limits you want, and what to do when a limit is reached.

There are currently no Point Action (i.e. points being automatically added to the Company when a certain condition is met).

Instead, the aggregated score is calculated by a console command as cron job: php bin/console leuchtfeuer:abm:points-update You should set up a cron entry accordingly.

The only current algorithm for the aggregation is "static company points PLUS average among all contacts that currently have points)"


Make sure you have not only installed but also enabled the Plugin.

If things are still funny, please try

php bin/console cache:clear


php bin/console mautic:assets:generate

Known Issues

  • Console command only works ever second time
  • Misplaced "edit" icons for Trigger events (this is a Mautic issue, cannot be fixed here)

Future Ideas

  • Additional Triggered Event Send Email To User
  • Choice of aggregation algorithms (including time)
  • Additional Triggered Events like Send Print Mailing and Modify Company Segments
  • Support for Point Groups


  • @lenonleite
  • @ekkeguembel
  • @PatrickJenkner

Author and Contact

Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing GmbH

Please raise any issues in GitHub.

For all other things, please email mautic-plugins@Leuchtfeuer.com