0.9.10 2018-05-26 21:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 22:20:24 UTC




How to create JSON API application

Limoncello App is a fully featured OAuth 2.0 JSON API quick start application.

Out-of-the-box it has

  • JSON API CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete) for a few sample resources with to-one, to-many and many-to-many relationship types.
  • Support for such JSON API features as resource inclusion, sparse field sets, sorting, filtering and pagination.
  • Database migrations and seedings.
  • OAuth 2.0 server authentication and role authorization.
  • Admin panel for managing users and roles.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
  • JSON API errors.
  • API tests.
  • Web tests.

Supported features

  • Multiple nested paths resource inclusion (e.g. posts,posts.user,posts.comments.user).
  • Filtering and sorting by multiple attributes in resources and its relationships.
  • Supported operators =, eq, equals, !=, neq, not-equals, <, lt, less-than, <=, lte, less-or-equals, >, gt, greater-than, >=, gte, greater-or-equals, like, not-like, in, not-in, is-null, not-null.
  • Pagination works for main resources and resources in relationships. Limits for maximum number of resources are configurable.

Based on

It could be a great start if you are planning to develop JSON API.

Feel free to ask questions and thank you for supporting the project with ⭐.


1 Create project

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist limoncello-php/app app_name
$ cd app_name

Recommended additional step

$ npm install


$ yarn install

2 Run server

Application runs PHP built-in server on port 8080

$ composer serve


$ npm serve


$ yarn serve

Port could be configured in composer.json or client/webpack/base.config.js

If you use Postman here is a collection of API requests that would work with a local server (reading users, filter users, create users, and etc).

Run in Postman

Here is a Postman screen-shot with the collection opened

Requests in Postman

3 Turn on production mode (optional)

By default the application is installed in development mode (less performance, tests and development libraries are available). Application could be switched into production mode (higher performance, no tests, no development libraries) with command

$ composer build

Performance comparision with other frameworks could be found here and here.


$ composer test

How-to add Google Auth to the Application

You can find detailed instructions here.


MIT license