
Symfony style routing for WordPress

v2.0.1 2016-08-11 09:30 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 18:19:44 UTC


Symfony style routing for WordPress.

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WordPress routing system is a magical awesome but dark system. For non developers this routing just "works" but, when you need to customize it, this process is not very intuitive. In LIN3S, we are proud PHP developers that like Symfony ecosystem so, this library is a simple but powerful approach to Symfony Routing component you can easily add to your WordPress project.

If you want to test it, we already have a functional WordPress project that includes this library ready to use, WordPress Standard Edition :).


The recommended and the most suitable way to install this library is through Composer. Be sure that the tool is installed in your system and execute the following command:

$ composer require lin3s/wp-routing


Before you start using this library we highly recommend getting familiar with WordPress template hierarchy.

WP-Routing uses YAML to match routes with your methods. For example you can write the following in your routing.yml:

  controller: YourTheme\Controller\DefaultController::indexAction
  type: front

  controller: WordpressStandard\Controller\DefaultController::notFoundAction
  type: 404

  controller: YourTheme\Controller\EventController::searchAction
  type: search

  controller: YourTheme\Controller\YourPostTypeController::singleAction
  type: single
  posttype: your-posttype

  controller: YourTheme\Controller\PageController::availabilityAction
  type: page
  template: your-template

As you can see in the example above you can use the following parameters for each route:

  • controller: Defines with method will be called when a match for the given route exists.
  • type: Which type of route will match the current controller. It uses WordPress standard naming conventions and you can check the available ones in Router class.
  • template: Can be used in pages to select a custom template. Internally it uses get_page_template_slug() to get the template the page requires. We use our template-selector plugin to let the user select the template to be used.
  • other parameters: In case you need to target a specific category, post type (archive or single), taxonomy or page you can use extra parameters like slug, id or posttype (see variable names on WordPress's template hierarchy page).

To resolve the routes added above just include the following code in your theme's index.php:

(new \LIN3S\WPRouting\Router())->resolve();

Make sure WPRouting library is autoloaded using composer's autoload script

To Do

  • Add more specs
  • Route registration wih XML
  • Route registration wih annotations

Licensing Options
