
PHP bindings for the StormOnDemand API

v2.0.0 2014-02-26 13:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 08:27:05 UTC


php-stormondemand provides the PHP programmer a library to interact with Liquid Web's Storm API via the StormAPI class.

Platforms Supported

Regardless of whether you are using Liquid Web Storm Servers or Storm on Demand, the API, and subsequently this library, will work.

API Versions Supported

The php-stormondemand library will work with any current or future version of the Storm API. Currently, the two versions are:

  • v1
  • bleed


The php-stormondemand library requires that cURL support be enabled in PHP (see for more information).

Basic Usage

The following is an example script (located in the examples/ directory) that shows basic use:

	$apiUser = "api_user";
	$apiPass = "api_pass";
	$apiMethod = "storm/server/list";
	$paramsArray = FALSE;
	$apiVersion = "v1";
	$storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion);
	$storm->addParam("page_size", 999);
	$results = $storm->request();
	foreach($results['items'] as $item)
		echo $item['domain']  . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; 

Alternatively, the parameter(s) can be passed upon instantiation as so:

	$apiUser = "api_user";
	$apiPass = "api_pass";
	$apiMethod = "storm/server/list";
	$paramsArray = array('page_size' => 999);
	$apiVersion = "v1";
	$storm = new \LiquidWeb\StormAPI($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray, $apiVersion);
	$results = $storm->request();
	foreach($results['items'] as $item)
		echo $item['domain']  . " || " . $item['uniq_id'] . "\n"; 

PHPDoc blocks are utilized so that code hinting can be used if your IDE supports it.

Instantiated Method Summary

The following is just a quick summary of methods that the library provides when a StormAPI object is instatiated, their function, and their parameters.

__construct($apiUser, $apiPass, $apiMethod, $paramsArray = FALSE, $apiVersion = "v1") The magic constructor method that is called upon instantiation of a StormAPI object. If you want to pass along a specific version of the API, but don't want to (or can't) pass along parameters upon construction, specify a boolean (I prefer FALSE) for $paramsArray.

bulkParams($paramsArray) Allows the passing of multiple parameters via an associative array.

addParam($parameter, $value) Adds specifies the parameter and its value to be passed along with the API request.

removeParam($parameter) Removes the specified parameter from being passed along with the API request.

listParams() Lists any parameters that are currently set.

listMethodParams() Parses the API documentation and provides parameters associated with the method that is currently being used. Additionally, it shows the optionality of the parameter.

clearParams() Clears out all of the parameters that may be currently set.

newMethod($apiMethod, $clearparams = TRUE) Changes the API method to call. Also clears out the parameters by default unless overridden.

listMethods() Returns a listing of all the API methods available for the version of the API that is being used.

debugInfo() More of a convenience method that outputs some information that might be useful for debugging purposes.

request($displayFriendly = FALSE) The method that makes the actual request.

When passed with $displayFriendly being FALSE, an associative array is returned from the decoded JSON output from the API.

When $displayFriendly is TRUE, the return is an array consisting of two keys, 'raw' and 'display'. The "display friendly" version of the output is good when a quick glance at the data is needed, as it is displayed in a format with breadcrumbs so you can easilly tell where the data is at.

storeRequest($key) This method stores the results of an API request by the supplied key.

returnRequests($key, $displayFriendly) This method returns all of the stored requests if $key is not supplied, or the request for a particular supplied key.

The $displayFriendly argument functions just like its counterpart in the request() method.

listRequestKeys() This method lists they keys for stored requests.

removeRequest($key) This method removes the stored request for the key given.

Static Method Summary

The following are static methods that don't require an instantiated object to run. They have equivalent wrapper methods for instantiated objects to take currently set values as well.

listMethodParamsStatic($apiMethod, $apiVersion = 'v1') Parses the API documentation and provides parameters associated with the method and version that is passed in. Additionally, it shows the optionality of the parameter.

listMethodsStatic($apiVersion = 'v1') Returns a listing of all the API methods available for the version of the API that is passed in.