
Validate and utilize GitHub webhooks

1.0.1 2020-06-08 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 07:59:21 UTC



GitHub Webhook Handler

Tests Packagist

Handle GitHub webhooks with PHP.


composer require loilo/github-webhook-handler


Start by creating a handler:

$handler = new Loilo\GithubWebhook\Handler($secret);

$secret is the webhook secret defined in the GitHub backend. It can be omitted, however providing it is strongly recommended to prevent abuse of the endpoint.

To handle a request (specifically, a PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface), pass that request to the handle method:

$delivery = $handler->handle($request);

If the webhook request is invalid, a failure-specific exception will be thrown. Otherwise, the method returns a Delivery object which provides access to the event that caused the hook request and to the payload data that was sent along with it:

// Get the triggered event (e.g. 'push')

// Get the whole webhook payload as an associative array

// Get a nested path in the payload (returns `null` if the path doesn't exist)

Single-File Endpoint

There may be very simple cases where you're not using a PHP framework for your script and just want to put a single PHP file endpoint out there. To avoid having to deal with exceptions and creating appropriate error responses, you may use the respond() method:

$delivery = $handler->respond($request);

Now you can safely use the $delivery object without any further worries — if validation of the webhook request fails, the handler will set an appropriate HTTP status code, print the error message and stop script execution.

Pro Tip: Not having a PSR-7 request object at hand? Install the guzzlehttp/psr7 package and use \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest::fromGlobals() to create a request object from the environment.