
Simple persistent configuration for your app or module

1.1.0 2019-07-23 21:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 08:39:28 UTC


Simple Config logo: two interleaved gears, representing a typical "settings" icon

Simple Config

Tests Version on packagist.org

Simple persistent configuration for your app or module, heavily inspired by Sindre Sorhus' conf package.


composer require loilo/simple-config


use Loilo\SimpleConfig\Config;

$config = new Config();

$config->set('foo', 'bar');
$config->get('foo') === 'bar';
// Use dot notation to access nested options
$config->set('baz.qux', true);
$config->get('baz') === [ 'qux' => true ];
$config->get('foo') === null;


There are four methods on the Config object that you may use to work with the data store — get, set, has and delete:

  • To check for presence of an option, use has:

  • To read an option, use get:


    You may also pass a second argument to use as a fallback if the option is not found (defaults to null):

    $config->get('nonexistent_option', 'fallback value')
  • To read the whole configuration, use get with no arguments:

  • To write an option (immediately synced with the config file), use set:

    $config->set('option', 'value')
  • To write multiple options, use set with an associative array:

        'option-1' => 'value-1',
        'option-2' => 'value-2'
  • To remove an option, use delete:

  • To clear the config file, use delete with no arguments:


Static Access

Since app-wide configuration usually only ever requires one Config instance, you may not want to manually pass around that instance everywhere.

In most frameworks, a dependency injection container solves this task for you. However, for cases where no such mechanism is set up, this package provides the StaticConfig class.

It's an abstract class which you can extend in your project. The only thing you have to provide is a method to actually create a Config object. The simplest possible implementation therefore looks like this:

use Loilo\SimpleConfig\StaticConfig;
use Loilo\SimpleConfig\Config;

class AppConfig extends StaticConfig
    public static function createConfig(): Config
        return new Config();

Now you can work with your configuration like this:

AppConfig::set('foo', 'bar');
AppConfig::get('foo') === 'bar';


The Config object can be initialized with an associative array of options documented below.

$config = new Config([
  // options go here


Type: array
Default: null

Default values for config items

Note 1: Default values are applied with shallow (not recursive) merging: only missing top level options in the data are supplemented by defaults.

Note 2: Defaults are never written to the config file so if you change your app's defaults and users have not overridden them explicitly, they will also change for all users.


Type: array
Default: null

A JSON Schema to validate your config data. JSON Schema draft-07 is used as far as it's supported by the underlying validator package.

Note 1: Your top-level schema definition is enforced to be of "type": "object".

Note 2: Default values defined in your schema are applied during validation, but are not returned when requested via Config::get(). This is a limitation of the underlying validator, as there's currently no JSON schema validator in PHP that applies default values to validated data and then allows access to them.

Note 3: If your schema defines any mandatory top-level fields, you'll need to provide defaults that satisfy the schema. This avoids schema violation errors when initializing an empty configuration.


Type: string
Default: "config"

Name of the config file (without extension).

Useful if you need multiple config files for your app or module (e.g. different config files between two major versions).


Type: string
Default: The name field in the composer.json closest to where new Config() is called.

You only need to specify this if you don't have a composer.json file in your project.


Type: string
Default: System default user config directory

The place where your config file is stored. You may override this to store configuration locally in your app's folder.

Note: If you define this, the projectName option will be ignored.


Type: array

Settings regarding the configuration format. This is an associative array with the following possible keys:

  • serialize

    Type: callable
    Default: function ($data) { return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); }

    Function to serialize the config object to a UTF-8 string when writing the config file.

    You would usually not need this, but it could be useful if you want to use a format other than JSON.

  • deserialize

    Type: callable
    Default: function ($string) { return json_decode($string, true); }

    Function to deserialize the config object from a UTF-8 string when reading the config file.

    You would usually not need this, but it could be useful if you want to use a format other than JSON.

  • extension

    Type: string
    Default: "json"

    File extension of the config file. This may be reasonable to set if you changed your serialize/deserialize options.

    Note: If you encrypt the configuration with a password, the config file will be saved in a binary format and this option will be ignored.


Type: string
Default: null

A password to encrypt/decrypt the configuration file with. This can secure sensitive data, however it's naturally only as secure as your way of managing the password itself.

Note: If you encrypt the configuration with a password, the config file will be saved in a binary format and the format.extension option will be ignored.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Whether to access options by dot notation.

    'foo' => [
        'bar' => [
            'foobar' => 'qux'

// With dot notation enabled:
$config->get('foo.bar.foobar') === 'qux';
$config->get('foo')['bar']['foobar'] === 'qux';

// With dot notation disabled:
$config->get('foo.bar.foobar') === null;
$config->get('foo')['bar']['foobar'] === 'qux';


Type: boolean
Default: true

If set to true, the configuration is cleared if reading it raises an exception of any sort:

Exception Cause
IOException The config file exists but could not be read.
File decryption failed (when using a password).
DeserializationException Deserialization failed (e.g. if the deserialization function changed or if someone or something meddled with the file).
InvalidConfigException The configuration is invalid according to the schema.

Enabling this option is a good default, as the config file is not intended to be hand-edited, so this usually means the config is corrupt and there's nothing your app can do about it anyway. However, if you let the user edit the config file directly, mistakes might happen and it could be useful to throw an error when the config is invalid instead of clearing it.

Disabling this option will cause the exceptions listed above to be re-thrown and handled manually.