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Provide beautiful and easy to use filtering functionalities for Eloquent library

1.1.3 2016-10-16 19:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 02:29:55 UTC


Eloquent extension for advanced filtering. Designed to be used with URL parameters in API context.


composer require lucasbedout/detective


Just replace Eloquent by the detective model in your model files.

use \Detective\Model as Detective;

class YourModel extends Detective 
	// Classic eloquent class

If you need relationship filtering, just list your relationship methods like this.

use \Detective\Model as Detective;

class YourModel extends Detective 
	public static $relationships = ['relation1', 'relation2'];

	public function relation1() 
		return $this->belongsTo('Relation1');

	public function relation2() 
		return $this->belongsToMany('Relation2');

Usage example

You can use the test laravel server provided with the package to test it, you have products, categories and stores table with configured relationships.

You can see the list of all valid syntaxes at the bottom of this file.

Add the corresponding route

	Route::get('/products', function() {
		$products = Product::filter(Input::all())->get();

		return response()->json($products);

Then just query it

/GET /products?name=iPhone*

Will return a list of products with their name starting with iPhone (caution, the search is case sensitive).

You can also query a relationship

/GET /products?category-name=Laptop

And even a pivot value

/GET /products/?category-name=Laptop&stores-pivot-quantity=>5 

This query will return all products in the Laptop category with at least one store where the quantity of products is > 5

You can also use the filter method with a custom array

$array = ['name' => 'Home*', 'created_at' => '<2015-06-11'];

$products = Product::filter($array)->get(); // Products in the Home% categories, created before the 11/06/2015.

The filter method returns a query builder, so you can chain any builder method you need.

$products = Product::filter($data)->groupBy('category_id')->paginate(10);

Advanced informations

The Detective\Model class create a class context when you call the Detective::filter() method, it retrieves all fields and types from the database, then check your $relationships array and if there is one, it retrieves also your relationships informations (keys, type, ...).

The array passed to Detective::filter() is parsed, the Detective\Filters\Builder class make a correspondance between your array and the table informations, then the query is builded.

The Detective\Database\Context class has a lot of useful public methods, just check the code !

Valid filter syntaxes

3 atomic types

  • number 'int', 'double', 'float', 'decimal', 'tinyint'
  • string 'varchar', 'text', 'blob', 'longtext'
  • date 'date', 'datetime', 'timestamp', 'time'

Filtering parameter name

You can use multiple syntaxe, each one corresponding to a model attribute or relation.

  • property : filter by object property (ex : name=yourname)
  • relation : filter by relation primary key (ex : category=1)
  • relation-property : filter by relation property (ex : category-name=Laptop)
  • relation-property-last : filter by relation property of the last relation object(ex : category-name-last=Laptop), also works with first
  • relation-pviot-property: filter by relation pivot property (ex : stores-pivot-quantity=10)

Filtering value format

Once you've named your parameter, you can provide the following values (all syntaxes work for relations or fields)


  • id=1 : get model with id=1
  • id=1,2 : get model with id=1 OR id=2
  • id=10,<5 : get model with id=10 OR id<5
  • id=5-10 : get model with id between 5 and 10 (SQL BETWEEN operator)

You can combine

  • id=>5,1-10,<12,5 is a valid syntax


  • name=toto : get model with name LIKE toto
  • name=toto* : get model with name LIKE 'toto%'
  • name=toto*,*ta*ta* : get model with name LIKE 'toto%' OR name LIKE '%ta%ta%'


  • date=2015-03-03 : get model with date LIKE 2015-03-03
  • date=2015-03-03* : get model with date LIKE 2015-03-03%
  • date=2015-03-03*,>2015-05-05 : get model with date LIKE 2015-03-03% OR date > 2015-05-05


You can also provide an orderby parameter.

  • orderby=name : order your results by name
  • orderby=name,created_at : order your results by name and creation date
  • direction=asc / direction=desc : direction of your orderby parameters (will move in the future)

Development Roadmap

  • Add existence checking (not null, not empty)
  • Add not filter
  • Performance issues with big Many To Many queries (>100k rows)